Product Reviews

I truly appreciate it any time I am contacted to review a product… so thank you so much for making my day! However, please understand that I will only publish product reviews that are relevant to my blog and my incredibly awesome readers.

Some good matches include: beauty/fashion brands, subscription boxes, preschooler products, fitness and running brands, yummy food items, family-friendly restaurants, home improvement & organizing products, family travel opportunities, women/mom/family owned company’s, etc.

I mentioned family travel opportunities and I want to reiterate that I LOVE to receive pitches for travel options for families, including hotels, cruises and theme parks. Traveling is one of my favorite things to do in the WHOLE wide world! In the past I’ve worked with/visited Busch Gardens, Hershey Park, Disney World and more.

If you are dying for a friendly blogger family to stay at your super snazzy hotel and then write a review about the experience, I may be your perfect match.

You can check out my most recent product reviews here.

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