2015 Goals… Keeping it Simple(ish)

Yesterday I gave you an update on my 2014 goals and mentioned that I might do it again in 2015. I wasn’t totally convinced to do it again though. I mean, it was really great having attainable goals to work towards throughout the year… but it also kind of stressed me out.

The ‘type A’ side of me kinda liked having my little ongoing goal checklist, so I came up with a condensed set of goals for 2015. Condensed, but not necessarily easy. I also decided to be more specific when giving myself a goal so it was cut and dry whether I accomplished it or not. Let’s see how that works…

2015 Goal #1: Lose and keep off 20 pounds.
Yup, that’s right… I’m going there. It’s pretty much the most typical resolution ever, but DARN IT if I’m not going to try my hardest to make this one a reality. I did a pretty great job of losing 10 – 14 pounds in 2014 and kept it off. Now, I have a new ‘goal number’ in sight and it is just about 20 pounds away. So, not only do I have to get myself back on that workout habit thing that I wanted for last year, but I also have to remember to eat in moderation for more than a couple months at a time.

For a “let’s DO this” jump start, I joined a DietBet that started today and will be working to lose 4% of my weight within the next 28 days. I’m hoping that just as it did last year, it can springboard me into losing that last 20 pounds that has been haunting me and my butt!

2015 Goal #2: Add $5,000 to our savings account and keep it in there.
In 2014 we finally paid off our last vehicle payment and also started a 529 plan for Jack. However, we also increased our bills with additional days at daycare and getting a lawn service for the summer. So, even though we ended up better than we started, our savings account is still looking quite sad.

My goal for this year is simple; I want to add $5,000 to our savings account. I’m sure our yearly tax return will give us a nice little bump to start us off. I also plan on a few cut backs to help us save even more. It will be tough to find an extra $5,000, but the extra hard part will be to keep it in the savings account. Somehow, our savings tends to slowly disappear like magic and I’m determined that it not happen this year!

2015 Goal #3: 12x the fun with Jack.
Look, it’s a repeat goal! Since this goal was the one that I found the most rewarding in 2014, I decided to keep it around for 2015. So, for every single month over the next year, I need to make it a point to bring some more fun in our lives by getting out there and doing something!

Last year we went to the aquarium, did a Mommy & Me swim class, went peach picking and more, so I have high hopes for this year. We are already planning a super special trip in February and some kiddo soccer in the spring…

That’s it. Three goals. On one hand, they are pretty simple and specific and absolutely attainable. On the other hand, they are also hard as hell for me and they are going to take some determination to accomplish.

They are totally attainable though. I just have to remember that as I’m (literally) working my ass off to get there!

How about you – did you make any resolutions or goals for 2015? What is one resolution that keeps appearing over and over and over again?

Like what you see? Share me with your friends!

4 thoughts on “2015 Goals… Keeping it Simple(ish)”

  1. I love the goal of having more fun. Greyson is often at his dad’s house on weekends, so I’ve made it a goal to do more out and about fun, memory-making stuff with him. I don’t only want to be the stuffy parent who enforced homework and bedtimes. We’ve had a week of time off over this Christmas break which has included movies, children’s museum, the park, and plenty of walks. So much goodness! Happy happy new year to you, Joules!

    1. I tend to be the rule enforcing parent too… so also being the ‘dance party in the kitchen’ parent and the ‘let’s go somewhere fun’ parent really helps even things out! 😉

  2. What great goals! Like you, I try to set goals rather than resolutions. It’s nice to have something to work towards. I just discovered your blog last week through your stitch fix reviews and I love it. You are such a talented writer and I love your sense of style. Happy 2015!

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