One Year of Ollie

Ollie (aka Ollivander Rutledge Dellinger) had his one year adoption anniversary with us a couple weeks ago. We’re not really sure when he was born, but the vet estimated that he was about one and a half when we adopted him. To keep it simple, I decided that Ollie and Jack share a birthday… so they are both 2 ½ now.

Hope Jack doesn’t get a complex about it. Or Ollie. Because frankly the dog is a bit of a diva and it would be JUST like him to get a complex over sharing his birthday.

I guess the most important thing to say is: Ollie is not Potter.

I had Potter from when he was a little teeny baby puppy and loved him with all my heart. We were together for almost 10 years and I was absolutely heartbroken when he died. It has been over a year and I still miss him.

When Potter passed away I really think I jumped into adopting Ollie too quickly. I missed my dog so much though and couldn’t stand not having the sound of little doggie feet running around the house.

So we adopted Ollie.
And Ollie is… well, Ollie.

Another family had him for about a year or so before they dropped him off at a shelter. We think that he was abused. When he originally came into our home he was super anxious, got MASSIVE separation anxiety when I left the house, and was scared crapless of men.

Actually ‘crapless’ isn’t the best word. Maybe crap-full? Let me paint you a visual with this little story…

Travis, Jack and I were super excited to go to Hershey Park last fall for their Halloween celebration. My parents were nice enough to watch Ollie while we were gone. We dropped Ollie off on our way up the road, settled him in and then left.

I got a call about 90 minutes later from my father. When he came home from work and walked in the house, Ollie got SO SCARED that he started whimpering, barking, flipping BACKWARDS and pooping. All at the same time.

Just let that visual sit with you for a minute… an 8 pound chihuahua-yorkie mix was so scared of my dad that he was doing back flips WHILE poop flew out of his butt.

THIS dog:



And my dad:



Now, that was only a couple months after Ollie joined our family so apparently whatever terror he went through was still fresh in his mind. Bless his furry little butt.

Thank goodness everything has improved. I’m not down with the flying poo. After living with us for a year, Ollie still does not trust new men. Especially men who are a bit shorter who wear glasses. He has been known to try and snap at the pant legs (or hands) of men who approach him too quickly.

He also had a few instances of bolting out the door, signing “FREEDOM!!” with his tail, and running down the road as fast as his little legs could carry him. Over time I’ve learned that he will come to a complete stop and reverse his run if I shake a can of treats while standing at the front door.

Ollie also hates baths, is having a love affair with a rabbit, does a pretty darn good job of picking contest winners, and if you don’t cut his hair he totally grows quite a distinguished beard. Oh yeah and it took him about 6 months to stop trying to attack Travis during sexytime. Which was awkward. And a bit hilarious.

So yes, Ollie is a bit more difficult than Potter. But I like him. Really I do.
Sometimes I even love him.

Especially when he does his impression of Crazy Eyes.

Ollie as Crazy Eyes

Happy 1 year anniversary Ollie! Now try to stop being such a jackass.

 Do you have a rescue animal with any weird traits? Am I the only on who thinks that Ollie’s “smile” is creepy and hilarious all at once?


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Keeping it Classy with Ashbury Hats

You guys know how when I’m obsessed with something I want to shout it from the rooftops? Well, I’m in LOVE with Ashbury Hats.

I had the chance to meet Hannah and Kristin from Ashbury Hats when I was in California for BlogHer in July. I was blown away by how incredibly cool and friendly they both were. Oftentimes when you meet someone for the first time, it can be a little awkward… but I totally wanted to have these ladies over for a wine party pretty much the moment we met.

What really struck me was how passionate they were about Ashbury Hats. Hannah had on this AMAZING hat, that she even let me try on… you likey?

Trying on hats with asbury hats - Pocketful of Joules

All the hats are handmade in California and looking closely at them you can see the quality and love that go into each creation. Hannah and Kristin let me pick out a few different hats to try and the moment I put on the Soho, I knew it was meant to be mine.

Asbury hats pic - Pocketful of Joules

The hat is made out of leather and SMELLS divine, if you’re into that kind of thing. Which I totally am. The Soho has a bit of a vintage vibe and is made out of oiled “crusher” leather, which means you can totally smush it into your suitcase and it will pop back into shape.

The best part was that I could totally throw it on with any outfit and it immediately looks WAY cuter. I wore it to the BlogHer expo hall the first night and could not walk 10 feet without someone stopping me to compliment my snazzy hat. So if you’re looking for attention – you can totally skip the cleavage bearing dresses and hooha bearing skirts – just add a hat!

Let’s call it a more CLASSY sort of attention…

For fashion’s sake (because why not,right?!) I decided to style the hat for summer and fall so you can see how it pretty much goes with everything.

Here is my take on summer:

summer time Asbury hat look - Pocketful of Joules

I threw on my new Stitch Fix tank top (Renee C Tucker Mixed Print Tank), my favorite pair of jean shorts (Gap) and a cantaloupe colored sweater that I’ve had forever (Loft). This could totally work for an outdoor wine festival, concert or just running around to do errands if you feel like you want to add a little extra cute to your look.

I was DYING to do a fall look too:

Fall look - Asbury Hats - Pocketful of Joules - small

For this outfit, I mixed in a t-shirt that you can hardly see (J.Crew), my red Stitch Fix jeans (Kayla Skinny Jeans), a military-style blazer (Loft), a pair of animal print shoes (Sole Society) and a scarf (The Paris Market). Just add a pumpkin spice latte and I’m totally ready for the leaves to change color! I especially love this look because the leather hat can do double duty – making my outfit look extra sassy AND keeping my head warm.

And in case you’re wondering, I’m pretty sure EVERYONE would look great in this hat. BOOM… put a hat on it!

Jack modeling Ashbury Hats - Pocketful of Joules

So, what do you think… do you want one?

The ladies at Ashbury Hats have hooked us up with a Soho hat (retail price $99.95) for one of my fabulous readers. We can totally be hat twinsies! You can earn 5 points per entry, but only the first one (leaving a comment) is required.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Ashbury Hats has also given me a special code for my readers, so if you see something you’d like to buy on their website, you can use Joules14 to get 10% off until September 5th, 2014!

If you are interested in seeing more from Ashbury hats, check out their webpage, Facebook page, Twitter, Google+ page, and Instagram!

Are you a hat person? If so, what is your favorite hat style? Do you think we can make ‘put a hat on it’ a thing?


Disclosure: Ashbury Hats provided me with a Soho hat for review purposes; however all thoughts and opinions are my own. The person who wins the giveaway for the Soho hat will be chosen randomly by the Rafflecopter widget and will receive their hat directly from Ashbury Hats.



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The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: Okay, I Did It

I really thought the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was dying down.

Celebrities did it.
Bloggers did it.
A ton of people in my Facebook feed did it.

There was uproar FOR it.
There was uproar AGAINST it.

Over $53.3 Million was raised for The ALS Association, compared to $2.2 million during the same time period last year.

I think the challenge is great… I just didn’t really want to throw ice water on my head. So I just quietly whistled in the corner and figured I was pretty darn lucky that nobody nominated me.

Then, this. Yup, I was called out by my buddy over at Quirky Chrissy.

So, I threw on my “Damn, it feels good to be a gangster” shirt and GOT IT DONE.

Here’s part one, where I nominate my husband, Katie from Words for Worms, and Holly from Riot Ranch:

And here’s part two, where I get wet and cold:

And yes, I’m donating too.

Have you done the ALS Ice Bucket challenge? If so, feel free to link up to your video in the comments!

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