Earlier this month, I shared our experiences with a Tie Dye Kit (spoiler, we loved it and you can find the post here) and then I started thinking about other ways to personalize our clothing. Tie dye and bleach dyed clothes are super popular right now, so I figured I’d try my hand at bleach dying. The good news is that all you need is a dark colored shirt and bleach!
The bad news is that I didn’t have any bleach in my house… so I used the next best thing. Toilet cleaner.
Yup, I dyed my shirts with cleaner for our toilets. It was FREE, super easy and fun and you should try it too!
All you need is a shirt or two, some rubber bands, and toilet cleaner. You wet the shirt the same as you would for tie dying, wrap it up… once again the same as you would for tie dying. And then add some toilet cleaner!
Once I had the shirts saturated with the toilet cleaner, I’d set my watch for 15 minutes and check back. My orange shirt lightened up pretty quickly, but when I went to do it a second time with a black shirt I had to wait 30 minute or so for a real difference. I washed the shirts out as much as possible in my laundry sink and then threw them in the laundry for a wash and dry. I love how they turned out!
My orange shirt now has kind of a cloud, creamsicle look to it. It gave the shirt a little extra interest.
What was formerly a plain black shirt is now one of my favorite tops to wear. The black gave way to a pinkish-purplish color, so it’s like a more subtle tie dye pattern. It just looks so cool with a pair of jeans or shorts and it totally gave an unworn shirt new life!
Have you tried bleach dying at home? Did you use actual bleach or try toilet cleaner like I did?
Did you soak the clothes in a solution? What was your cleaner to water ratio? Thanks!
Hi Emily – I just squirted the toilet cleaner directly on the shirt!