Jack’s First Day of Kindergarten

It’s here. Jack’s first day of elementary school…

Jack will be taking the bus to school two days a week and going to before/aftercare the other three days, so he won’t actually ride the bus for the first time until Friday. Today, I walked him into his before care at the school and signed him in. The assistant director greeted Jack and showed him where to store his backpack until school starts.

I started to lead Jack to an activity table, but he immediately brushed me off and told me to get going to work. I did get a kiss and a hug before he shoved me on my way. I glanced back as I reached the door and saw Jack plop himself down at a table with a similar sized kid, introduce himself and start playing.

Yup, he’s ready.

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3 thoughts on “Jack’s First Day of Kindergarten”

  1. Oh gosh, I remember my oldest’ first day of kindergarten. He didn’t do preschool, so it was the first time he was away from me. I walked him to school, and as soon as I got home and shut the door I sobbed! Hard to believe he’s a junior this year. I think I’ll cry just as hard when he starts his first day of his senior year. Good luck to Jack! I hope he loves school!

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