One Step Back & Two Steps Forward

I feel like Humpty Dumpty – I was thrown off a wall and I’m currently sitting around in a bunch of pieces. However, instead of waiting for someone else to get over here and put me back together again I’m working on doing it myself. Ever the positive thinker (annoyingly so, I admit), I’m using this as an opportunity to figure out what I really want so I can go after it.*

That brings us to the point of today’s blog post: taking a step back and looking at your life.

So many people are blindsided – anything from losing a job, a marriage falling apart, or even a terrible health diagnosis. When you’re right in the middle of the situation, everything feels awful. You can hardly see past the hurt, shock or pain of whatever the world has put on your doorstep. However, so many times you hear people say “I’m so glad that happened, because it lead me to _____.”

Why does it take something so drastic to make you reevaluate your life?

So many people, including myself, just sail along in their lives getting complacent about things that actually make them really unhappy. Change is hard and scary. So, it’s easier to be in a crappy situation than to go through the process of removing yourself from it and finding something better.

Well, I’m done with that. We are here in this world for such a short amount of time and it is up to us to make the best life we can. I don’t want to look back in 5, 10 or 30 years and think, “I should have done this” or “why didn’t I do that.”

So I’m picking up my pieces to see what else I can make with them.


*At this point I don’t want to go into what has thrown me off my game, but I will definitely include it in my blog once things are settled. It’s not my relationships; I’m blessed with a strong marriage and wonderful family & friends.

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2 thoughts on “One Step Back & Two Steps Forward”

  1. I must say you have a lot of us very concerned!! But it sounds like all you really need right now is space. I hope that you not only get it from all, but that you are able to come to a good conclusion to your questions.

    I don’t feel like humpty dumpty, but I feel like my bookshelf contains all the books that work to answer the age-old question, “Why am I here?” Let’s chat off line soon – maybe I’ve read something you might find useful 🙂

    Good luck on your search!

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