The Unexpected Joy of Reading Onyx Storm While It’s Trending

I’ve always been a voracious reader, averaging over 100 books a year. Reading has been my escape, my adventure, my way to experience different perspectives and worlds. However, for me it’s typically a solitary experience. I’d finish a book, do a little mini review for my yearly book list, and then move onto the next one.

This changed when I got into The Empyrean series. While I read Forth Wing and Iron Flame after they had been out for a while, I eagerly anticipated the release of Onyx Storm with everyone else. This time, I got to experience the hype firsthand and I realized how FUN it was to read a book along a massive, engaged audience.

With Onyx Storm, my reading experience extended beyond just myself and my Kindle. My social media timeline was filled with fan theories, debates and hilarious memes. Instead of immediately moving on to the next book in my TBR pile, I sat with it for a while and eagerly scrolled through online discussions and predictions for the next book.

It added a whole new layer to my reading enjoyment – the closest to compare it to is when the Harry Potter series came out but even then, social media was not where it is now. Actually, now that I think about it, it’s similar to the feeling of Marvel releasing their next movie or television series and all the fun Easter Eggs hidden for fans to search out.

It’s like the world’s largest book club. But a book club that meets at a time that’s actually convenient to you and in your home. And less socializing or worrying that other people might not like you.

While I’ll always love discovering hidden gems and following my own random reading path, this latest release of Onyx Storm has helped me see the value in occasionally picking up a book that’s dominating conversations. It’s a way to feel connected to a larger community of readers, to experience books in a way that’s both personal and shared. Because sometimes the magic of a book isn’t just in its pages – it’s in the collective excitement, the shared speculation, and the feeling of being part of something bigger than yourself.

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Jack is 13!

When I started this blog back in early 2011, Jack wasn’t even a twinkle in my eye yet. Then over my first year of blogging, I became pregnant with Jack, unexpectedly lost my job, sold our house, started a new job, moved into a new house, and had a preemie. Jack joined us 2 months early, spent about 4 weeks in the NICU and then came home.

And now, that little 4 pound, 15-ounce potato of a baby is a teenager.

One of the absolutely most wonderful parts of this blog is that the last THIRTEEN years of his life is here. I mean, kind of. Over the years I’ve been very careful to make sure I’m telling the stories from my perspective of being a working mom. I’d never wanted to focus too much on my kiddo in a way that would embarrass him when he was older. For the last few years, Jack has been in charge of approving any posts about him, as well as any photos that I share.

Each year, I do a Jack birthday post. And each year, I include a photo of my rapidly growing boy and marvel at how quickly time flies.

Here is Jack at 13:

Once again, he asked if I could take him to NYC for an overnight adventure. So that is what we did – we visited the Lego store, drank butterbeer at the Harry Potter store, ate Crumbl cookies in the bed of our fancy hotel, watched the waiters and waitresses sing at Ellen’s Stardust Diner, ate a fresh donut off the Krispie Kreme conveyer belt in Times Square, and bought souvenirs at the M&M’s store.

It was the perfect weekend with my teenager. And on the train ride home, I made a cute little compilation video of our adventure.

Happiest of birthdays to my Jack!

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Lucky Brand “The Baggy” Jeans: Website vs Reality

I’ve been looking for a specific pair of jeans for quite a while on my thrifting expeditions. I wanted them to be black, but not too black. More of a ‘washed’ black’ rather than the solid color black, if you know what I mean. They could have a little distressing, but no holes. And I wanted more of a straight, or baggy cut. No skinny jeans. No flares.

I had been content to just keep looking, but then I randomly found an amazing jumpsuit that happened to check a lot of those boxes – perfect shade of black, no distressing/holes, and a baggier leg. They were EXACTLY what I was looking for, if the jeans detached from the top half. And no, I’m not chopping my jumpsuit. So, I decided to zero in with some internet searching to try and find my magical jeans.

Which led me to the Lucky Brand website. Lately I tend to prefer STS Blue Jeans, but couldn’t find what I was looking for from them. I’ve previously had Lucky Brand jeans in the past and they have a good return policy, so I figured I’d give them a try.

I found these: “The Baggy” Jeans


And yes, they look ridiculous on the model. And it takes me right back to high school when the skater boys would wear this kind of jeans. BUT… check out the jeans in blue on a different model:


These are CUTE. And totally give the ‘boyfriend jeans’ look on a curvier body. So, I took a chance and I ordered them in two different sizes.

They came to my house and I was SO EXCITED to try them on. And neither pair fit. So, I ordered a third size and waited.

And here they are:

Yes, the legs are baggier than a standard ‘straight leg’ cut, but they don’t have as much volume as the first website photo. The fabric content is 56% Cotton, 44% Lyocell, which you would think would have some stretch to it… but it feels more like a softer version of rigid denim with NO stretch.

As I mentioned, I tried on three different sizes: 30, 31 and 32. Depending on the brand/day of the week/magical computation that they use to make women’s clothes sizes, I wear a 10, 12, 14, medium, large, extra large. You know, as you do. My last couple pairs of jeans that I’ve liked are a size 31 from STS Blue. For these Lucky Brand “The Baggy” jeans there was pretty much no stretch. The size 31 could fit, but I enjoy breathing and eating carbs regularly, so the 32 was much more comfortable. As for length, I’m 5’7” and the ‘regular’ length fits well with my boots.

Website vs Reality:

I actually really like the baggier shape of the jeans and its fun playing with a new silhouette in my closet. I don’t think I’m going to donate all my straight legged jeans any time soon, but this ‘The Baggy’ pair is a nice change!

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