Posting from the Train – On My Way to BlogHer!

Oh my god. It’s actually happening – I’m on my way to BlogHer 2012 in NYC!

I packed up my little orange suitcase last night (and only ended up with three pairs of shoes, yay me!) and did my last minute stuff this morning. Jack got dropped off at my parent’s house on my way up the road, and I pretty much floated on caffeine and adrenaline all the way to the train station.

Now I have to try and sit still for the next three hours. Um, not sure how that’s going to go. But there is free wifi, so I think I’ll be doing a lot of internet surfing and stalking the #blogher12 hashtag on twitter while counting down the minutes it takes to get my butt to New York’s Penn Station.

Another blogger/tweeter said it best when she sarcastically compared the ladies tweeting about BlogHer to girls going to summer camp. I know she was trying to be a bit bitchy, but that is absolutely how I’m feeling. It’s my chance to get away from my day-to-day life and converge on one of the coolest cities in the world with over 4,000 ladies like me!

The scariest thing to me is that I’m entering this unknown world all by myself. I haven’t brought a friend with me and I don’t know a single person at the conference. That is freaking me out in a huge way.

Actually, I do KIND OF know someone who will be there, but I’ve never actually met her in person. Due to a series of random events, fellow blogger Lauren from Filing Jointly and I will be meeting up at the conference and we’re totally having a freaking SLEEPOVER!

She needed a place to stay. I had an extra bed in my room and thought she was funny. So it was apparently a match made in blogger heaven.

So now it really DOES feel like summer camp. I’m wondering if she’s down for pillow fights, braiding hair and doing each other’s nails…? Either way, I’m pretty much sure we’re going to hit it off since she passed the ax murderer test.*

The funny thing is that I remember having a conversation with my freshman year roommate from college about the Stranger Danger of meeting up with someone from the internet.

Remember the late 90’s where people met in chat rooms? And not the “cool” AOL chat rooms, those really stupid ones you got to from your college’s computer lab (I think it might have been called Intranet or something?). Well my roommate at the time fell in loooooove with this guy she met online. He was from Canada and was supposedly a “little older” and in a band.  This was before the REAL internet really hit big, so she couldn’t google or facebook his ass. She ended up inviting him to our college (I put my foot down when she wanted to have him sleep in our room) and of course he ended up being old, fat, short and bald. Oh and lame. Super, super lame.

Since I can deduce by reading her blog that Lauren is NOT super lame, I think I’m good to go. I am a bit concerned about her bringing Tiny Dancer though… (Lauren, if you bring him please for the love of all that is bloggy, don’t hide him in my bed! I WILL scream like a girl and may have a heart attack and/or pee myself).

For anyone else coming to BlogHer, if you see me please say hi. I’m super friendly, just kind of shy about taking the first step to talking to someone new. Oh, and total bonus points for hugs and high 5’s!


*The ax murderer test is pretty much me asking, “Hey, are you an ax murderer?” and her responding with, “lol. No”. So see, she totally passed and is therefore my new BBFF (Blogger Best Friend Forever).

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