I follow a bunch of fun people on Instagram (I’m there too if you want to follow me) and recently won a $50 gift card to Homegoods in a contest! All I had to do was comment on @rachmartino’s picture with my favorite summer outfit and she chose ME as one of her three winners. WHEEEHOOO!
The funny thing is that I actually didn’t NEED anything at Homegoods (or TJ Maxx or Marshall’s, because they’re all owned by the same company and the gift card works at all three). But that’s kind of the best time to shop — when you don’t actually need anything so you can just wander around and fall in love with ANYTHING.
I always enjoy it when Young House Love does their little shopping posts at different stores, so I figured I’d take you shopping with me on how I spent my $50 gift card.
First stop was Homegoods. Within a couple minutes I found an adorable little berry basket and was reminded that Jack is obsessed with ALL berries and it would probably be good for me to have a mini strainer. Just like that, $3.99 is spent.
Next, I wandered over to the furniture area looking for some bargains and I found this:
This is the ugliest chair I’ve ever seen and it’s $599.99! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! It looks like a cat toy that’s been scratched up and possibly vomited on. Moving on…
Yup, that’s a HUGE train in the middle of an aisle. This thing must be 7 feet tall! Oh goodie, it’s on clearance for $1,500… what a bargain!! And who the heck has a HUGE metal train just chillin’ in their living room, or in their front yard with the gnomes?! I think I’ll just keep on easing down the road…
I love this little yellow globe and these miniature trunks, but I’m not really sure where I would put them. They’re awfully cute though.
That’s when I see it, a wooden robot. It’s teal and has a Cynthia Rowley tag on it. It totally goes with the mood board that I made for Jack’s room awhile back and I MUST have it. Um… or maybe not. I put it back and then walk a couple more steps. Then I see a matching yellow robot.
I scoop them both up for $16.99 each and I’m in robot LOVE.
Here’s my haul from Homegoods, but it only came to $40.25 after taxes which means I have $9.75 burning a hole in my pocket. So I drop my bags off at my truck and walk a couple stores down to Marshall’s.
I figure a good first stop is the home section and I’m super close to buying these:
I mean, who DOESN’T want a sign that says, “Been there, Rocked that?!” It’s so ME. But then, as I turn the corner I see something that screams my name. It’s the same color blue as the terrible boobie shirt from my last Stitch Fix, but not AWFUL. Check out the pretty detailing!
Winner, winner chicken dinner.
I must have it! And it’s $16.99, so I only went a little over my $50 budget!
Honestly, I was shocked that it took me two stores to blow through the money considering that I see stuff ALL THE TIME that I want to buy. I’m super happy with my purchases though, especially because they were pretty much free!
Here’s where Jack’s robots ended up:
They look pretty at home, right?!
If you had an extra $50 to spend on something fun, what is your FAVORITE store to go to? Do you agree that the cat scratch fever chair is hideous? Do you have a 7 foot tall train living somewhere in your house?
I love your picks! The robots DO look right at home and that’s a great shirt. The color and details are so pretty.
This sums up every trip I make to HomeGoods. But it doesn’t have to be a globe or a trunk… I have this thought about everything. “I love this little yellow globe and these miniature trunks, but I’m not really sure where I would put them. They’re awfully cute though.”
I’m also addicted to almost anything glass. Especially jars. I actually have to tell myself out loud to leave them there sometimes, so I’m pretty sure fellow HomeGoods shoppers think I’m kind of crazy. But I don’t mind 🙂
Love the robots! Once I was shopping at a big flea market and I bought a row of old movie theater seats from the 40s — huge and uncomfortable and no one would sit in them!
Love the blue top! I have a similar one from Old Navy that I rock with white jean capris – add some red statement jewelry and you have your forth of July outfit!