Do you REALLY need a diaper bag?

I’m doing something crazy. It’s flying-by-the-seat of your pants crazy in the mommy world… I’ve gotten rid of my diaper bag.

{I can hear the parents out there with their shocked gasps now!}

Ok, it’s not that crazy. And if you’re not a parent you’re probably wondering why it’s even a big (ok, medium-sized) deal. Honestly, I do feel a bit naked and maybe even uneasy with this change.

For the past 20 months, every single time I’ve left the house with Jack I’ve had my diaper bag.

diaperbagIt’s not your typical diaper bag from Baby’s R Us or Target… it’s actually a large purse from Fossil that I fell in love with and asked my parents to buy me for Christmas two years ago. It has worked great for lugging around everything you need when you have a baby: bottles/formula, cups, a changing pad, spare clothes, diapers, wipes, medicine, snacks, my wallet, etc.

But, it’s HEAVY.

And you tend to just throw things in there and later pull out three used cups, 8 empty snack containers and 3 socks.

I came to the realization a few weeks ago (and I’m almost afraid to share it because I might jinx myself) that I never change Jack’s diaper when we are out and about. Never.  I change his diaper before we leave and he’s typically mostly dry for a few hours at a time. Also, Jack prefers to be home when he has his own personal twosie time… so I’ve never had to do that ‘oh no my kid just launched a poo granade’ thing in public.*

Skip Hop lunchie (Source:

For most trips, I’d find myself leaving the diaper bag in the truck and just grabbing out my wallet. So I had the bright idea to just give up on a diaper bag altogether. Instead, I packed a cute Skip Hop lunchbox that we had gotten from Citrus Lane with the necessities – 2 diapers, a small pack of wipes, a change of clothes, teething tabs and an emergency pacifier – and left it in my truck for good. I also packed a gallon baggy containing 2 diapers and wipes for my husband to keep in his truck. So now, for our normal trips I’ll just throw a baggie of goldfish in my purse and be done with it.**

So much easier, right?

And if we do run into a changing emergency, I have everything I need in my truck without lugging it around daily. Why didn’t I do this months ago?!

Part of me feels a little sad because I most likely carried my diaper bag for the very last time, but another part of me feels so much lighter – mentally and physically – without the heavy bag o’ crap on my shoulder.

If you have kids, how long did you carry your diaper bag? Is there something that you think I should add to my truck ‘necessities’ bag?

*The only exception to this is that Jack apparently likes to poo on planes.

** For longer trips, like when we go to Hershey Park, I’ll put some necessities in a backpack or in a small bag to keep in the bottom of the stroller.

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