Friends Wanted

My kid needs friends. Yes, I know he’s only 1 ½ years old and if he were actually around another tiny human he’d probably end up either ignoring them or catching some kind of cold/flu/plague. However, we need to work past this and actually have him within a 10 foot radius of other toddlers a bit more.


jack and big bird
Adorable, happy and awesome kid seeks friends. Loves all people and animals, even big birds with airplanes.

Well, after visiting the park this weekend I realized that Jack is the weird dude that just stares at other kids. Yup, I’ve got the GIANT child (he really is, my 18 month old son is larger than most 2 year olds) who is silently watching kids half his size run/jump/cartwheel/breakdance around him.

He’s pretty darn cute though.
And gives awesome hugs.
And kisses… which only sometimes include tongue.

I’d love to be able to take advantage of the free kiddie events held at my local library, but apparently those are for parents who don’t work full-time. Really, there are like 10 events on weekday mornings and only ONE on the weekend right in the middle of Jack’s normal nap. I might have to do it anyways though, since my options are quite limited.

I’ve looked for toddler activities through our community college and came up empty. The nearest Gymboree is about 45 minutes away from our house.  I’ve googled playgroups in my area and haven’t come up with much.

My pediatrician suggested we try out the toddler music classes at a local place… but $200 for 10 weeks of music class for an 18 month old seems a little bit extreme. Right? That’s $2.25 per MINUTE of activity. I don’t even pay that when I splurge for a full body massage!

So help me please and give me some advice!  Where do I find friends for my son?

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