Talking About My 2019 Goals

No, not resolutions. GOALS. As in attainable things. Things that make me feel good about myself… not things that make me feel like crap.

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Let’s talk resolutions… please don’t use the New Year as a way to torture yourself. Don’t beat yourself up. Don’t make crazy goals because you feel that you’re not good enough. Don’t tell yourself you’ll only be happy or worthy if you lose 20 pounds, or change x thing about yourself. You already are perfect. Talk to yourself like a friend. Talk to yourself like someone you love. ❤️ If you want to give yourself healthy goals to work towards, that’s great! Everyone can always strive to do better. But remember, you’re already awesome. Today is my last day off of my gloriously lazy winter break! Relaxed and makeup free = a great way to start the New Year! 😘

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I actually never made any goals for 2018 and still have my 2017 goals hanging up on a chalkboard by my desk. I was still juggling my Master’s program in 2018 along with work and Jack in kindergarten… so apparently writing down goals was just too much at the time. I’m feeling a bit more optimistic about this year.

I mean, 19 is my lucky number… so 2019 must be my lucky year, right?

I’ve gotten a handle on my health by getting regular physicals for the last couple years, as well as many, many doctors’ appointments to take my blood and discuss my cholesterol. I’ve also had two mammograms in the past couple years, as well as follow up boobie ultrasounds.  I keep up with the eye doctor and dentist. Oh, and I’ve had a couple more moles cut off of me. So I’m giving myself a big gold star for all that.

For my 2019 Health Goals:

  • My gym offers 100 bonus points if you go 9x a month, so I’m making that my goal. Also, I want to try and mix it up more with trying new gym classes.
  • Sign up and run 5k and 10k races that look fun. Extra credit for running with friends and family!
  • Do a family fun run (1 mile?) with Travis and Jack.
  • Keep with my soda fast. It’s okay to have soda occasionally, but it’s a treat.
  • Pack lunch at least one day a week (I work from home 2 days a week, so this is for the other 3 days).

I finished my Master’s program in 2018, so that feels pretty great. However, I’m kind of having some learning withdrawal now that I’m over the hump of not having 20 page papers due all the time. It is really nice to read just for fun again though, so I’m really enjoying that! I’ve been brainstorming what makes me happiest and came up with a few Happiness Goals.

For my 2019 Happiness Goals:

  • Travel more! This includes vacationing somewhere new, day trips and overnight weekend trips. I’m happiest when I have a trip on the horizon, so a goal is to plan more fun!
  • Have more dates with my husband.
  • Learn something new. Pick up any book that interests me at the library. Sign up for classes and experiences like glassblowing class, an indoor skydiving session, outdoor obstacle course ropes, and more.
  • Spend time with my friends. Make more friend dates, happy hours and sleepover party plans!

In addition to my health and happiness goals for the year, I’m also going to pick a *word* of the year. For two years in a row, I went with Balance. But this year I’m going to mix it up a bit. My word for 2019 is Thrive. So many times I feel like I’m just going through the motions to get everything done, but this year I want to focus on THRIVING!

And that’s it! It looks like I can finally update my chalkboard with some new – super attainable – goals for 2019.

How about you…do you set goals or resolutions for yourself for New Years?

Like what you see? Share me with your friends!

4 thoughts on “Talking About My 2019 Goals”

  1. For your happiness goal, I would like to suggest finding a class that is done by Alice’s Table. It’s a flower arranging class that I attended last year and was so much fun! It was something different to do with my friends and was totally worth the cost.

  2. I don’t set resolutions, I find goals as I go through the year. If something really fits me, I look into it, and try it, if it seems interesting. I am trying to get my husband and I out more, and away for a few days, every couple of months. It gets us away from our normal every day stuff. This year, I want to stay more currents on seeing doctors, and getting my yearly tests done. I have sort of fallen behind on some of these things.

    I have been doing a word a week, which I share with my hubby. This week was cursory, which I may be using too often, and driving him crazy! Still, I think it is good to expand your word knowledge. We sometimes even look words up, which can be interesting. We are word nerds!

    Well, have a happy new year! I hope you thrive.

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