2019 Goals: a Half-Way(ish) Update

Can you believe it is more than half-way through 2019?! This year has just FLOWN by, which you can tell because my goals update didn’t end up happening in June…

At the beginning of 2019, I gave myself a “word” of the year as well as a bunch of specific goals to focus on. When I wrote and published my goals post I had no idea that my work life was about to blow up. Just a week or so later my awesome boss was gone and my whole department went through a reorganization. A job that I had planned to be at for a decade or more suddenly turned into something that made me miserable.

Which brings us to our first goal update… my word of the year: Thrive.

At the time I said, “so many times I feel like I’m just going through the motions to get everything done, but this year I want to focus on THRIVING!” When my work life hit the pooper, the idea of thriving kept coming back to my mind. I decided to use the reorganization as an opportunity and ended up finding a new job that was a much better fit. I still have a way to go before I feel fully comfortable in my new position, but I’m continuing to remind myself that sometimes it’s a bit uncomfortable to get to the point that you are actually thriving.

Now, let’s check in on my other goals. I made them super specific again this year and divided them into two categories, health and happiness.

2019 Health Goals: Status

Health Goal 1: Go to the gym 9x a month and mix it up with new gym classes.

I can’t really say I’ve fully accomplished this goal because I haven’t gone to the gym consistently 9x a month since January. However, I have had some successes! This spring I signed up for a 6-week boot camp and I kicked butt through the entire 6 weeks (read about it here) I loved the boot camp and I fully intended to sign up for another 6-weeks, but then I had my Hawaii trip and the craziness  of starting my new job. I’m still getting to the gym for a workout a couple times a week, but I’d love to be able to sign up for another 6-weeks of boot camp. I’m crossing my fingers that I can make it work in the fall!

Health Goal 2: Run more 5k and/or 10k races and have Jack (and maybe Travis) run a fun run too!

YES, I’ve accomplished this goal! I’ve run two 10k’s this year, the Sole of the City 10k in April and the Wayfarers Annapolis 10k in June. Jack (and Travis) also ran the kid’s fun run at the Frederick Running Festival in May and Jack really enjoyed getting his medal at the end. It’s a bit sweltering hot right now to sign up for more races, but I’m hoping to find some in the fall to add to my list.

Health Goal 3 and 4: My Soda Fast and Packing my Lunch

I got a little crazy with drinking soda for a bit, so I went back to a soda fast where I’d only have the occasional soda as a treat rather than ordering it all the time. I’ve done pretty well with this one and even have a huge water cup at work to help encourage me to sip on ice water all day long.

When I made my packing my lunch goal, I was working from home 2 days a week and at an office the other 3 days. I wanted to pack lunch at least one day a week. Well, since June I’ve been working in an office 5 days a week and I certainly have room for improvement on this goal. There are SO MANY yummy places to eat within walking distance of my new office, so I’ve only been packing my lunch about one day a week (yes, I know that was my initial goal). I feel like I need to change this goal to packing my lunch at least THREE days a week for the rest of the year.

2019 Happiness Goals: Status

Happiness Goal 1: Travel More

YES, I have crushed this goal! As a family we went to Great Wolf Lodge in February, Harrisonburg for my sister’s wedding in May, and Ocean City a couple times so far this summer. Travis and I also had our super romantic trip to Kauai in May, which was absolutely amazing. On my own, I’ve done a couple weekends at my besties house in Annapolis and I’m hoping to plan a trip to NYC in the fall to see Moulin Rouge on Broadway for my birthday. I’m planning to finish out the year with a couple more fun/inexpensive weekend trips!

Happiness Goal 2: Have more dates with my husband

Well, we did have an entire week of dates in Hawaii, so that totally counts! As for other dates, we haven’t really done much of that. Which totally reminds me that I need to ask my brother to hang out and play video games with Jack in a couple weeks when the new Hobbs and Shaw movie comes out. I’d also like to plan an overnight B&B for us in the fall for my birthday/our anniversary.

Happiness Goal 3: Learn something new

In my goal post I said I wanted to pick up any book that interests me at the library, and sign up for classes like glassblowing, indoor skydiving, or an outdoor obstacle course. I’ve done pretty great with the library books part and I’ve been reading a ton on my daily metro rides. Jack and I also joined my family for a session of making pottery on the wheel and will soon be glazing our finished piece. Oh, and I also did that boot camp, which was totally outside my comfort zone. I need to step it up a bit for the rest of the year though!

Happiness Goal 4: Spend time with my friends.

I wanted to be sure to make more friend dates, happy hours and sleepover party plans this year and I’ve been doing okay so far. I’ve actually reached out to plan more happy hour and dinner dates, but everyone is so busy it’s like pulling teeth to get something on the calendar. I’m hoping to get a group together in September to go to a local wine festival for my birthday, so finger’s crossed that it works out!

All in all, I’ve done pretty well with my goals but I’m happy I did a half-way check in. Now I know what I need to be sure to add to my schedule for the rest of the year!

How about you… did you set goals or resolutions for yourself for New Years? How are you doing on them?

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