A March Fitness Challenge. Maybe.

A couple weeks ago I was feeling kind of… pudgy. Apparently I had myself a bit of a fluffy February. So, I was thinking maybe I could spice things up with a fitness challenge for March. I was calling it “MARCH into Fitness” and would do a corny eyebrow raise for my husband’s benefit.

But I never actually got around to figuring out WHICH fitness challenge to do. I mean, I’m already trying to eat relatively healthy. I’m already trying to get to the gym 9x a month. What should I do??

I have the iWatch, so I thought maybe I could try to close my rings every day. For those non iWatch people, you have three fitness rings with the goal to close them.

Ring 1: Your Move goal. For me it is set at 500 calories a day.

Ring 2: Your Exercise goal. Mine is set at 30 minutes each day.

Ring 3: Your Standing goal. I need to stand up for at least a minute (and move around) each hour for 12 hours during the day. This is especially good for getting me up from being hunched over the computer for hours on end.

Some days I do a great job at closing my rings, but others… not so good. Here is what January looked like:

So, that’s a goal idea.

Another idea is to try and get to the gym a higher number of times for the month. Maybe 10? Or 12? Or 15? Or actually achieve my current goal of 9…


This all sounds like a lot of work.

Are any of you doing a fitness/health/back on track kinda challenge this month?

Like what you see? Share me with your friends!

2 thoughts on “A March Fitness Challenge. Maybe.”

  1. I have friends who did a burpe challenge in February – those things are hard so I skipped out! But they formed a Facebook group and encouraged each other and held each other accountable. I liked that part. Maybe try a plank challenge (there are apps for this!). Its relatively quick and “easy” but can make a major difference after 30 days (or 26 days).

  2. I am on Weight Watchers. It is really rewarding to see your body change, and know you are healthier. I track my meals, and find this to be easy. It makes you feel you have control over your weight. It is pretty easy, and my goal for this month is 6 pounds. It doesn’t sound like much, but over time, it is. I am trying to move more. It sounds like you have added some good things to your health. Keep going!

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