Fall Fun: A Mug Exchange?

You know in Elf where Buddy says, “Smiling is my FAVORITE” and then gives Crazy Eyes a run for her money with the Happy x 10,000 look he has on his face? (Need a refresher?)

Well, imagine me dressed head-to-toe in autumn colors with colorful tree leaves in my hair and HUGE smile on my face, while I yell, “FALL IS MY FAVORITE!” That is how I feel about the whole September, October, November time of the year.

Although I haven’t yet gotten my first pumpkin spice latte of season yet (but you’d better believe I’ll Instagram that ish when I do…), I’m already anticipating wearing layers again. OOOH, and suede boots and SCARVES!

Between the hot drinks, outdoor festivals, pumpkin picking, my birthday, our wedding anniversary and the amazing colors of Fall… well, I’m a fan. In fact, I may have already picked up a couple mini glitter-covered pumpkins from the Dollar Store.

My love of Fall is why I originally came up with a blogger gift exchange a couple years ago called the Fun Fall Swap. I had a group of 9 bloggers that wanted to play, so I matched everyone up with each other. Each participant was supposed to surprise their new friend with a gift within a 4 week time period. It could be anything – crafts, food, a book, something cute from Target… whatever they wanted to give. Everyone had an awesome time, so I did a couple more blogger swaps until a couple people decided not to participate (even after they received their gifts) and I said, “TO HECK WITH YOU ALL!” and stopped.

But now Fall is back… and I’m feeling tempted.

So I threw an idea out there on Facebook about doing a mug swap. But instead of coffee mugs, we could do travel mugs!

People seemed kinda into it, but I’m a bit hesitant about matching people up if we’re going to have a couple people who spoil it for everyone. But THEN, I had an awesome idea… I can match people up as buddies! That way, the person you have also gets YOU. So if you’re going to be a poopnugget, you’ll feel extra guilty because you will have each others information!

So what do you think, is this brilliant? Is a mug exchange something you’d be in to? Should it be ANY kind of mug, travel mugs, or something else?

I was playing around the other day and came up with… well, this:

Ollie - wanna makeout mug

I mean, who WOULDN’T want a mug with Ollie’s creepy smile on it? You can check out the rest of my Pocketful of Joules shop here. And a big ol’ thanks to Jackie for the “Endearing Weirdness” idea!

Be sure to leave me a quick comment and let me know your thoughts!

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6 thoughts on “Fall Fun: A Mug Exchange?”

  1. I could be interested if it were ANY kind of mug… I’m not a coffee drinker, and my husband doesn’t take coffee to work, so any kind of mug would be better.

    Plus, if nothing else, target always has really cute/fun mugs.

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