Feeling Good

I had another job interview today and it was awesome.

A couple weeks ago I participated in a phone interview with a four person search committee. I thought it went well and was pleasantly surprised when I was invited for an in-person interview.

However, I was a bit intimidated by their invitation because the in-person interview was scheduled for TWO HOURS. In addition to interviewing with their search committee and the head of the program, they also asked me to prepare a 10 minute presentation (with visuals) on how I would market their program.

Holy Wowzers!

So, I procrastinated a little.

And then a little more.

Then I starting doing some research and scribbling down my thoughts.

The day before the interview, I spent five hours straight finalizing what I wanted to say and putting together a PowerPoint presentation.

This morning I went over everything again and loaded up my trusty thumb drive.

I left my house super early to make sure I wouldn’t get lost (it’s been known to happen…A LOT) and got there about 30 minutes before my meeting. After hanging out in my car a little while, finding the building, stopping at the restroom to straighten myself up, and finding the proper office, I went into “interview mode.”

The presentation seemed to go great, with the committee smiling and nodding a lot. The Q&A afterwards also went well and I feel like I got across everything that I wanted to. I asked lots of questions so that they could tell that I’m interested in the position. I then had the chance to meet the man who would be my new boss and I really liked him too.

I sailed out of there feeling like a million dollars and now I have to sit and wait to see if I get the position. I know that I did my absolute best, but it’s possible that however many other people they interviewed did just as well or better than me.

So, I’ll sit and wait. Cross your fingers for me, okay?

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