Do you follow me on Facebook or Instagram? Well, if you do you know that I was SICK SICK SICK of my hair — the top part was a medium brown (natural color) and the bottom was lighter from some grown out highlights. The last straw was when I went to get a manicure yesterday and the lady complimented me on my ombre hair. Um… NO. I’m going to a friend’s wedding tomorrow and I just couldn’t stand looking at my hair mess for a minute longer… so I stopped by Walgreens on my way home and grabbed a box of “light golden brown” with the goal of going a couple shades lighter to match Jack’s hair.
Yeah, I spent an hour dying my hair the EXACT SAME color that it was. The first picture is right before I put the dye on and the second picture is this morning after I dyed — same bathroom, same lighting. Same hair color.
The only difference is that it is now one color instead of having an unintentional ombre look. What’s funny is that I’ve used this exact color before with the results I wanted (a few years ago) so now I’m just kind of pissed off. I’m going to give it a couple weeks (with some beach time in there) to see what it fades to, but it looks like I might have to spend the big bucks to have my salon do it. Stupid hair.
Anyways, moving on…
A while back I asked for some “Top 10” list ideas from you all, since according to every blogging article out there you can attract 11,790,849 people to your blog by doing a Top 10 list. One of my awesome readers suggested that I share the top weird search terms that have brought people to my blog, which I thought was a fantastic idea. Because you people are WEIRD!
Blog Searches that Have Led to Pocketful of Joules
1. I love you. That’s mean. I’m joules
No, I’m Joules. Fun fact: I held off on saying “I love you” for a long, long time and would often reply to boyfriend’s admissions of love with a heartfelt “OH! Thank you.” Which I guess could be considered mean.
2. I got a pocketful of random shit
I usually don’t carry anything in my pockets, besides occasionally a tube of chapstick. Maybe you should clean your pockets out more often?
3. After break up joules thoughts
Hmmm… were you trying to spell the word jealous, because that makes more sense. But if you think about me after your breakup, maybe it’s because you have a crush on me? Or maybe you just read my blog a lot and want to get together to have a hard cider and talk about what a dick your ex-boyfriend turned out to be?
4. Burglars use squirrels
What?! How would a burglar use a squirrel? Do you think maybe they can be trained to find diamonds?
5. Wild Horse Sex
Yeah, we’ve talked about this. A lot. Perv.
6. Is there a way to spread cookie butter on top of homemade marshmallows
YES. Got a pen? Okay. Take a knife. Dip it into the container of cookie butter. Remove the knife from the container and spread the cookie butter on the marshmallow. Put it in your mouth. Leave the knife out, because we all know that you’re not just eating one.
7. A seriously goofy woman
Yup, you found her.
8. joule i love u
OH! Thank you.
9. Squirrels having sex in a sock
Wait, what? Is this something you SAW or something you WANT to see? I’m confused either way. Also, if you just saw a sock darting around on the ground I’m pretty sure my first thought wouldn’t be, “Oh, there are obviously a couple squirrels having sex in that sock.”
10. naked handymen for hire ohio
Okay, I love men and I love men bodies. But NOBODY wants to see a dude’s dingle-dangles flying around when he’s using a hammer or a nail gun. MMMMMmmmkay?!
Did you find my blog by typing in some sort of random search term? What do you think these people were REALLY looking for when they found me? If you saw a sock writhing around, would you assume squirrels are having sex inside? Do you remember in Beaches when Barbara Hershey’s character was SO IMPRESSED at how daring she was to dye her hair… only to have it turn out the exact same color?
The marshmallow one (number 6) is my favorite. I love your comment, “Leave the knife out, because we all know that you’re not just eating one.” HAHAHA, SO TRUE!
Have you had cookie butter on a marshmallow before? SO GOOD!
What I love is that the naked handyman searcher was also looking for Ohio, where you do not live. Also, I giggle snorted at “dingle-dangles” because really. There are some things that shouldn’t be done in the nude. It’s just unsafe!
Right?! I have no idea why that search brought them to my website! And there are a LOT of things that should not be done in the nude!
Your list totally got me here. Plus, I wanted to see your hair! Those search queries always crack me up and I think your hair looks great. I hope it fades to the shade you want. I think it’s easier to go darker with at home dyes than lighter. When I have tried to go lighter I often end up a bit orange…not pretty!
See, maybe there is something to the draw of the list! And thank you for your compliment. =)