This review is very overdue, since I bought this carpet cleaner back in 2019. However, I just pulled it out of the closet to give my living room carpet a nice refresh and it still works as perfectly as the day I got it… so I figured now is actually the PERFECT time for a quick review!
Over the years, I was always a ‘rent a carpet cleaner from Home Depot’ kind of girl. I did this every few years in my townhouse I owned (before husband and kiddo) and I did it every 1-2 years in our current home (husband and kiddo are dirty). When searching the blog to check for the last time I rented a carpet cleaner, it was actually in April 2019, followed by buying my own carpet cleaner in August 2019.
Since then, carpet cleaning has become SO. DANG. EASY.
I no longer have to drive to a store, stand in line, rent a ginormous and heavy machine, drag it out of the store, load it into my car, load it out of my car, drag it into the house, use it, drag it out of the house, load it into my car, load it out of my car, and drag it back into the store. Oh, and pay money each time (typically around $40 for a day of rental).
Now, when my living room carpet is looking a little dingy, or someone has accidently dripped purple popsicle juice (?!?!) on it, or if the dog has an accident of any sort… I just grab my carpet cleaner out of the front hall closet, use it, and then return it to the closet. It’s convenient. It’s easy. It does a fantastic job. And even better, I paid $119 four years ago and it doesn’t cost me any additional money.
This is the exact one I have:
It is the Hoover PowerDash Pet Lightweight Compact Carpet Cleaner and it currently costs $119 on Amazon. I keep a bottle of carpet cleaning solution (I have this one) under the kitchen sink and pull it out for any carpet cleaning or spot cleaning needs. The one container has lasted me for the past 4 years, so a little really does go a long way.
Benefits of the Hoover PowerDash — it is very lightweight. The container on the side is easy to detach and fill with water and carpet cleaner. And the little tub at the bottom is super easy to remove and carry to clean out the dirty water. For my living room, I usually go through about 4 containers of water in a session.
Because it’s so easy to use and lives in my front hall closet, it also takes no pre-planning if I want to clean the carpet. In fact, just last week after I dropped Jack at the bus stop, I grabbed the carpet cleaner and cleaned the entire living room in about 20 minutes before logging into work for the day. Everyone was out of the house until evening, so the carpet had plenty of time to dry and looks so, so, much better!
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