Reviewing Citrus Lane: The December “Favorite Things” Box

It’s our favorite time of the month – when something arrives in the mail that isn’t a bill or speeding ticket – it’s Citrus Lane box time!

Yay, the December “Favorite Things” box!

Starting this month, I’ll be doing my Citrus Lane box reviews on a bi-monthly basis, so as not to bore anyone who doesn’t give a pooper what is in the subscription boxes. However, for those of you who are on the fence on trying them out, this month had a pretty great box!

The theme for December was “A few of our Favorite Things” which sounds pretty promising, right? We’ve been a member of the service since March, so I was afraid that it might be something that we already had, but it turned out to be all new items.

Here’s what we got:

  • Green Toys Submarine (value $14.99) – Okay, let me just start by saying that is probably one of my favorite things I’ve gotten from CitrusIMG_0807 Lane EVER! I absolutely love Green Toys because not only are they made from 100% recycled milk jugs, they’re also designed really well. I was hoping that this month’s box would have something I could put in Jack’s stocking for Christmas and this is perfect. The best part is that the front opening of the submarine collects water so that you can pour it over your little wiggler’s head during bath time. LOVE THIS TOY! Honestly, if we got a different Green Toy every single month, I’d be a happy camper.
  • Pearhead Brag Book (value $8.95) – In the age of cell phones, it’s IMG_0804kind of rare that I actually print out pictures of my kid; however a couple months ago my dad asked for a brag book of Jack pictures so that he could show him off. I searched all over the place and didn’t come up with anything half as cute as this one. As luck would have it, I have a bunch of prints that are currently displayed on our fridge (a little leftover Thanksgiving décor) and they’ll go great in this little book.
  • Renee & Jeremy It’s a Big World CD (value $12.00) – Honestly, I haven’t opened this CD yet to listen to it AND I’m not too big of a fan of kids music in general (not counting random Disney movies, of course). So, I don’t have super high hopes for this CD, but I will keep an open mind. Or throw it in my baby shower pile. One or the other.
  • Madecasse 75% Cocoa Mini Chocolate Bar (value $1.50) – I love it when they include a little something for the mommies AND I love chocolate, so you’d think I’d be all over this chocolate bar. I mean, I LOVE chocolate — dark chocolate, milk chocolate, maybe even a little white chocolate if I’m feeling especially wild. But oh my gosh, I don’t know what they did to this chocolate but I took a bite and literally spit it out! Maybe my taste buds aren’t quite as refined as other mommies out there, but I doubt anyone would make yummy noises while nibbling on this.
  • Ecomom Gift Voucher (value $15.00) – Normally I really don’t like it when they include a gift voucher, because it requires more work for me to actually order something using the money. Luckily, the Ecomom website stocked a few things that I needed anyways – mainly a Green Toys fork and spoon set and a couple organic kiddie snacks. I had some trouble with the voucher code at first, because I was putting in a 1 instead of a I, but once I got the code in the order went as quick as could be.

The value of the December box I received was around $52.00 (monthly cost: $25), so I feel like I did really get a good value for my subscription. Obviously, my absolute favorite item out of the box was the Green Toy’s Submarine, but there are other things that we will use as well. Just not the chocolate. Blegh.

Random adorable Jack picture, because this post needed a picture of my kid!
Random adorable Jack picture, because this post needed a picture of my kid!

My typical disclaimer: I was not rewarded by Citrus Lane for reviewing their box on my blog. I review the boxes, because I feel like other mom’s would be interested in seeing what they’ll get if they sign up for the monthly service.

However, if you decide that you would like to sign up for your own subscription and use my link, I will receive credits on my account. Click here to access the Citrus Lane website with my special link. As an added bonus to my fabulous readers, you can get 10% off the cost of any subscription (normal cost $25 each month). You’ll save $7.50 on three months, $12.50 on six months, or $25 on twelve months. To redeem the deal, click on my link and enter the word SPRINGFUN when checking out.

If you would like to see any of my previous Citrus Lane box review posts, click on the “Product & Company Reviews/Recommendations tab on the right hand side of this page.

1/9/13 Update: Citrus Lane is running a new referral promotion and not the one at the end of this post. If you use this link you will get $10 off the cost of your new subscription!

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