One of the things that I want to remember when Jack is all grown up, is how he loves a lazy weekend morning. Even as a toddler.
He usually wakes up around 9:00 or so, but if you hear him…leave him alone. His favorite way to spend a morning is laying in his bed, playing quietly with his toys. If you listen closely, you’ll hear his little voice. Every so often, he will squeeze his Sleepy Elmo and let the lullaby play.
Sometimes he gets out of bed to grab a truck or tractor and bring it back under the covers with him.
Sometimes, he just lays there and kicks his feet up to stare at them.
When he’s ready for you, you’ll know. He will call out, “I want my Momma!” and then just sit there waiting.
When I walk into his room, he hides his face under the covers and waits for me to look around and ask, “Where’s Jack?!” before his giggles escape.
Sometimes I get hugs as soon as I find him. Other times, he immediately calls out an order for yogurt raisins or tow truck snacks. Lately, he wants me to gather up his fuzzy blanket and his Elmo to bring down to the couch so he can snuggle in and watch The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
Once he’s on the couch – with his snack, his blanket and his Elmo – he scooches over to me and asks me to hold his hand. If I hesitate, because I’m distracted with other (less important) things, he will look into my eyes and tell me that he wants to hold my hand because he loves me.
And I set down whatever I was doing and I sit with him. Because if holding hands means I love you, I will hold his hand forever.
How about you, is there something in your day-to-day life that you hope you’ll remember forever?
This gave me lots of feels. You and Travis have one sweet kid! <3
So sweet!!