You guys. I was planning to share a post I had written about my favorite booties being on super sale over on the Nordstrom website… but then overnight they went back to normal price. So, I’ll stick that post back in my drafts, maybe to be never seen again. But it does get me to thinking, what kind of posts would you like from me while we are living in this super weird Covid-19 world?
I mean, the world is weird. Really weird right now.
Thankfully we have a comfortable home, because we are spending the majority of our time either inside our house or playing outside in our yard. On weekdays I’m teleworking every day. My husband is still working like normal on weekdays – he is a business owner and drives a tractor trailer – so it’s pretty easy for him to socially distance while doing his job. Of course, that may come to an end soon as the Governor has an 11am press conference where many think he will be asking Marylanders to stay at home.
As for food, my husband packs his breakfast and lunch each weekday, Jack and I eat at home, and I have been making dinner every night (thanks to Home Chef for keeping it relatively fun). We did treat ourselves over the weekend by picking up carryout from 2 local restaurants. And yes, we ordered ahead, stayed socially distant, and washed our hands very well after doing the food exchange.
I’m currently teleworking every day, so I’m in full comfies for my clothing choices. I actually did a poll on Instagram stories recently about this, so I’ll be sharing my results here too.
As for what we’ve been doing, well a little bit of everything.
Over the weekend:
I tried a new mix of Overtone on my hair (see all the pics here)

I paid bills.
We had a family nerf gun battle in our yard. I’m not sure who won, but I did get a nerf bullet straight to the nose.
We watched Hook. Jack initially thought it was boring, but then decided he loved it.
We cleaned/bleached all bathrooms and vacuumed the house.
Jack and I made pancakes. They were delicious.

I finished “Love Lettering” by Kate Clayborn. I didn’t love it.
Jack and I made brownies. Travis didn’t help, but did eat more than his share.
We started watching Locke & Key on Netflix. Travis and I are more into it than Jack… but he still doesn’t want us to watch it without us.
We took a picnic blanket outside and laid down in the grass, snuggled and played word games.
We invented more nerf gun games, which included: “Found it” where we shoot the nerf bullets into the air and then had to find it, and pretending to try to hit the big birds flying overhead (which we were convinced were going to eat us because we laid on our blanket too long).
We learned how to play Mastermind (it was in the pile of board games we won in a raffle) and LOVED it!

I found a wood burning kit I’d thrifted where you can DIY your own cheeseboard. The wood burning thing was only successful in burning my finger and not the wood. Jack decorated his cheeseboard with sharpie instead and we called it a win.
I also found a cement stepping stone kit that I’d thrifted (note to self, keep thrifting random craft crap) and Jack made his own stepping stone. That project actually turned out pretty cool and we are waiting for it to dry.

And that’s it? Maybe. I don’t know. The last week has pretty much gone by in a blur. And I’m super off topic… but kind of on topic too. Anywhoo. Feel free to leave me a comment with what you’d like to see from me here! I’ll also throw the question up on my Instagram stories and Facebook page so you can choose the place you find easiest to answer.
I really need to fo more! You are inspiring me! I need to color my hair. I have a box of it here, so no excuses.
Thanks for sharing, have a good day!