This is not my butt. Just wanted to make sure that was super clear. However, these leggings do make my actual butt look almost this good because these are magical leggings.
Let me start back at the beginning though… my search for the perfect leggings.
I have leggings. I have multiple pairs of leggings.
Some are okay, some are terrible and some are fantastic… but have no pockets. And why do I need a pocket, you may ask? Well, a couple months ago I decided to start each weekday by going on a walk around my neighborhood before work. I throw on my workout clothes, push ‘start’ on my iWatch, hit ‘play’ on my Spotify playlist on my phone, and walk. And it’s great!
It helps me feel less achy throughout the day and I like starting the day with a little bit of exercise. Since Jack’s been home with me, he walks with me… and I like that too, because he’s adorable and apparently in the mornings his brain is filled with SO MANY questions and I love to hear what’s going on in his head.
Anywho… as I mentioned, I like to listen to Spotify on my iPhone while I walk. Which means, I like to stick my phone in my pocket so I can be hands-free while also moving and grooving. Which brings me to my quest for leggings with pockets.
Not just leggings with pockets, but flattering AND comfortable leggings with pockets.
Like Goldilocks, they had to be juuuuussst right. They had to suck me in, but not too much. I wanted them calf length – not bike shorts length or ankle length. And they couldn’t be super expensive, because $60 – 80 for workout leggings is a bit crazy.
Which brings us to the perfect leggings: IUGA high waisted yoga pants. They are $21.95 and they come in a bunch of colors, but I own the space dye purple and the space dye gray. I think the slight pattern makes them even more flattering. The high waist is perfect for yanking up over my tummy and once you have them on, they don’t budge at all.
And the best part… pockets.
I mean, they make my butt look fantastic too. But really, it’s all about the pockets. I slide my housekey into my left pocket, and stick my phone in my right pocket and I’m good to go.
Laundering instructions say to put them inside out before washing, which I do. I then wash them in the machine with cold water and let them hang dry. I’ve been alternating between the two pairs all summer and they still look perfect.
So, if you’ve also been wanting some reasonably-priced, flattering leggings WITH POCKETS… I highly recommend these!
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