Our Williamsburg Trip, Part 2: Old Cars & Busch Gardens

I had to divide this into a few pieces, because there was just too much FUN to stick in one post! If you missed, it you can read Part 1: The Timeshare here.

After we escaped our timeshare meeting, we grabbed some breakfast at one of the half-dozen pancake houses in the area. We ended up at the Capitol Pancake House and I can vouch that their pancakes and coffee were amazingly delicious!

Once we stuffed ourselves full of caffeine and carbs, we followed signs to a local car show. For just $5 we were able to check out a ton of gorgeously restored cars. Oh and you may recognize my outfit from last week’s Stitch Fix – I’m so glad I decided to go with the chevron top because it was the perfect shirt for a day of outside fun!

car show - t and jack

car show - me and jack

After browsing the pretty cars, we hopped down the road to go to Busch Gardens. We had visited Hershey Park in the Fall and thought that Busch Gardens would be a hit with Jack now that he was a bit older.

The park opened at 10:00 am and we ended up getting there around 11:00 or so. I have been to pretty much ALL of the amusement parks in the area and I have to say that Busch Gardens is one of the most well organized parks I’ve ever seen. The parking lots are super easy to navigate with shuttles picking you up and dropping you off at the park doors. As an added bonus, Jack thought the shuttle was a ride.

Since Jack is a HUGE fan of Elmo, our first stop was the Sesame Street Forest of Fun. Right when we got there, we saw that we could do a photo session with Elmo and Big Bird. Of course, Jack isn’t smiling but he was basically pulsating from the excitement of sitting on Elmo’s knee! Hmmm… maybe this can be this year’s Christmas card?

pic with Elmo

We rode a TON of rides and my husband even surprised Jack with a mini Elmo to add to his collection. Oh, and the reason Jack looks so freaked out is that he just saw a grown-up rollercoaster go by and thought we were going on it.

And here he is giving kisses to a caterpillar in the Sesame Street forest:

kiss catapiller

me and jack

jack ride

Over a span of about 6 hours we visited the ENTIRE park, from England to Germany to France and back. The weather was gorgeous and OH THE FOOD. We devoured lunch in Italy, dessert in France and snacks in Germany.

We also watched the Pet Shenanigans show, which Jack was GLUED TO the entire time.

animal show

Family CHEESE!

family cheese

The only thing we missed out on was we really wanted to see the Sunny Days Celebration on Sesame Street, but we were stuck on the wrong side of the tracks while a train went by and missed it. I could see Elmo’s head bob into my line of sight every couple minutes if I jumped as high as I could (which is basically 3 inches), but that was about it.

We had SO MUCH fun though and Jack didn’t even have a meltdown from skipping his afternoon nap. It honestly could not have been a better day and I’d go back in a heartbeat!

We even had some energy left over and decided to walk around Colonial Williamsburg after the park. After cruising around and visiting a few stores, my world was rocked by a colonial drumline. Unfortunately, they weren’t QUITE as awesome as the real* Drumline… but they were still pretty cool. To be honest though, if they played each other’s drums I may have fainted from happiness (the ‘oh no they DIDN’T’ part is at 3:17).

Are you an amusement park lover? If so which one is your favorite? Are you one of the 5 fans out there of Drumline?

Disclaimer: This post is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and comments are my own. However, I would like to say a big THANK YOU to the people at Busch Gardens for providing us with free park tickets.

* The first time Travis and I ever watched a movie together, it was Drumline on TV, so it holds a special place in my heart. Also, it is awesome.

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7 thoughts on “Our Williamsburg Trip, Part 2: Old Cars & Busch Gardens”

  1. I love that Jack thought the shuttle was a ride, that’s awesome 🙂

    I love Busch Gardens, too! It’s so fun, well-organized, and interesting. It really stands out to me from the other parks. I like Kings Dominion, too, and Ben and I would like to make it to Cedar Point one day. Can you tell we love roller coasters? 🙂

    1. I’m a HUGE roller coaster fan too and I can’t wait until Jack is tall enough for us to ride the REAL rides. Which at the rate he’s growing might be next year…

  2. Sounds like a great time!

    I am one of the five fans of Drumline. Orlando Jones plus Nick Cannon and good music? Count me in! And now I want to watch Drumline. 🙂

    1. I love Disney too and Universal Studios. We’re thinking that Jack might be ready for that when he’s 4 or 5. Which works out great since the new section of Harry Potter land is opening this summer!

  3. Love Busch Gardens but my kids have never been! Guess I need to get them down there. Oh, and I like Drumline but I actually was part of a drum & bugle corp one summer and it was so amazing. I love to watch.

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