Why do I keep signing up for these races?
The last time I ran outside was October, when I did the Baltimore Running Festival 5k. The last time I ran a 10k was in June, when I did the Wayfarer’s Annapolis 10k. I was supposed to run the Across the Bay 10k in November… but we drank too much the night before and decided sleep and coffee were a better idea.
So yeah, NO running for 6 months… why wouldn’t I shove my 41-year-old body into a running skirt and run a race?!
Running races with no preparation is kinda my thing though, so I strapped my lady lumps into my exercise bra, laced up some running shoes, stuck a few Tums in my fanny pack in case I got hit with a case of the I-haven’t-run-forever-case-of-the-pukeys and went for it.
It was GREAT!

First of all, I love running with Lindsey. So any time I get to just chat with her while burning a bunch of calories is a win in my book. Especially if we get brunch after. With bacon.
Which we did, of course.
Also, the run actually felt pretty great. In fact, I have to check but I may have gotten my fastest 10k time ever (which is NOT fast for a normal person, but I run at turtle speed… so I’m cool with it).
Anyways, before the brunch (and bacon) was the beer and band!

At the end of the race, each runner got beer tickets for 2 cans of Natty Boh. But after meeting up with another friend, we ended up with a pile of beer tickets. Which did not go to waste.

The after-party band, Alter Ego, was also really fun. So we basically danced, bounced and drank our running aches away until they shut everything down around noon.
THEN we had brunch.
All in all, it was a fantastic day. Of course, once I got home and took a shower I needed a little nap to recharge. And my knees felt awful until I got a full night of sleep. But I’m totally ready to sign up again for next year!
That sounds like a perfect day. You even got a nap! And brunch! Wow. Congrats on your great time.
Thank you so much Nancy!