Take my Quick Survey & You Could be a WINNER

Hey guys, I have a super quick little survey that I would totally LOVE (you know, like a big, sloppy kiss kinda love) it if you would take 32 seconds and fill it out!

I’ve been doing a little advertising and marketing for my blog over the past few months and want to figure out what is working (and what isn’t). So, all I need you to do is just answer ONE question and leave a quick little note in the comments…

Even if you never leave a comment when you visit, I BEG of you to please leave a super quick comment this time so that I can figure out what is working!

As an added bonus, everyone who leaves a comment is entered into a contest to win something awesome from me. I don’t know WHAT that awesome thing is going to be yet, but I’m a pretty fabulous gift giver so you’re going to want to get in on this!

Thank you all and have a Happy Friday!

11/23 Update: I just used one of those fancy little random number generators and the randomly generated winner of the AWESOME prize is….Bryanne Barker! Bryanne – I will email you directly to get your mailing address so I can send you a gift! Thank you to each and every person who clicked through to vote and also leave a comment.

Like what you see? Share me with your friends!

17 thoughts on “Take my Quick Survey & You Could be a WINNER”

    1. Speaking of marshmallows, I grabbed a bag of the peppermint tiny ones from Target and I’m so not impressed. It doesn’t even taste like peppermint!! I mean, unless you cover them in peppermint whipped cream, which someone might have tried that totally wasn’t me.

  1. THANK YOU ALL for stopping by and taking the time to do the survey & leave a comment! Big marshmallow kisses to you all! I’ll keep this open for a few more days and randomly choose a winner on Friday for the prize. =)

  2. I broke my ankle one month ago today and then had surgery. Blogs have been such a source of entertainment as I’ve been stuck in my living room for a month! I found you through filing-jointly. I love your blog and I am thrilled to know there is even such a thing as peppermint whipped cream- as soon as I can walk I’m getting some! 🙂

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