The 2019 Wayfarer’s Annapolis 10k

We did it again! Well, mostly. Kind of.

Over the weekend, my friend Lindsey and I did the Wayfarer’s 10k in Annapolis. We ran it last year (read it here) and had a great time, so when it came up this year we immediately signed up.

Last year the race premium was a backpack and this year it was… FANNY PACKS!


How adorable is that?!

Our 2018 Wayfarer’s 10k was our fastest of the year, but this year we didn’t do as well.

I mean, we had the same amount of FUN — maybe even more — but health wise I wasn’t feeling great. I had two more moles removed a couple days before (the dermatologist flagged them as potentially being melanoma) and one of them was in that sensitive area where the back of your leg meets your butt. I didn’t even know that one was coming off, so it wasn’t until afterwards where I had the thought that this might make a 6.5 mile run uncomfortable. Add on top of that some lady cramps, and I was NOT feeling the run.

No biggie though, Lindsey and I decided to power-walk it and maybe jog a little if the police pacer car at the end got a little too close.

Yeah, that pacer car was STRESSING US OUT! We were just trying to chat and walk darn it! Unlike the Across the Bay 10k, the Wayfarer’s 10k had a faster pace. So, we decided to take a little shortcut through an Annapolis side street.

We ended up cutting off about ½ mile and it was just enough that we could power-walk the rest of the race without the pace car annoying us.  

My stitches were a bit sore for the rest of the day, but they felt much better than if I had powered through and ran the whole race. As it was, we had a super fun, fantastic time!

Afterwards we went and ate an amazingly delicious (and unhealthy) breakfast and did some consignment shopping. You can see a sneak peak of what I bought here:

I think we will definitely sign up for the Wayfarer’s 10k again next year. It’s a fun course and the premiums and medals are great. I’ll be sure to schedule any surgeries AFTER the run though!

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One thought on “The 2019 Wayfarer’s Annapolis 10k”

  1. How cute! I would never look tyat good after run, or a jog! At first I thought, fanny packs, ugh. But, they are really nice! Love that yellow flowered dress!
    I hope you feel better.

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