Toddler Room Update: Stage 1 (aka Working with What You’ve Got)

Remember how less than 2 weeks ago I said how I couldn’t wait to rip apart Jack’s room… but thought that I would probably do it in two stages so that we can ask for some things for Christmas?

Well, I’m sure that it will surprise NONE of you that I decided to break out my hammer and start changing things over the weekend. What WILL surprise you is that I mainly just used what I had sitting around the house and spent less than $30 on buying new stuff. It’s amazing what a little switching things around can do!

Let’s refresh your memory with some “before” shots:

IMG_2361 IMG_2360 IMG_2359So what did I do?

Well, first off I ripped that sad excuse for a pennant off the wall. I swear when I put it up I kind of liked it, but over the months it just started to look crappier and crappier until BAM I ripped it down with my bare hands while Jack stared at me from the crib like I’d lost my mind.

Once the pennant came down, I switched around a few of the existing picture frames. At this point I haven’t replaced any of the artwork, but in Stage 2 of this process I plan to get a few new prints off of etsy or make them myself.  In place of a couple of the pictures, I hung a mirror that has been sitting in a closet gathering dust (it came as a set with the bathroom vanity we bought here).


The café curtain was also a victim of my pennant ripping fury, so I found a pretty new pair of curtains at Homegoods for just $20 to replace it. While I was there, I also grabbed some more curtain clips for $5. They ended up being a little larger than the existing ones, but you totally can’t tell unless you stare at them. And honestly, who stares at curtain clips anyway?!

window viewIn a perfect world, I’d also upgrade the curtain rod to something with more presence… but I decided to save my money and try to live with the one we have for now.

The star lanterns came from Joanne’s when they were having a 70% off sale a few months ago. I wasn’t really sure if they would end up in this room or somewhere else (like maybe the sunroom) but they look super cute over the crib.

IMG_2387The only other change I made was that I dragged in an unused lamp and put it behind our reading chair so that I could actually see the words that I’m reading (over and over and over again). In this shot, you can see where two of the picture frames that previously lived over the dresser ended up too. Eventually I’ll switch out the artwork with something more robot-y and maybe add in a couple little frames like the “love” one on my room board post.

IMG_2385I decided not to bring in the orange carpet from the kitchen, because it doesn’t really feel necessary now that I’ve made a few tweaks to the room.

This teeny tiny makeover took less than an hour. LESS than an HOUR and I went from sneering at Jack’s stupid room design to loving it so much that I walk past and ogle it multiple times a day. Now THAT’S a good use of an hour, right?

So there you go, a quickie little change that puts a smile on my face. Have you switched anything around in your house recently? Do you want to buy like 100 of those adorable stars and hang them in your own room like a fairy wonderland? Because I kind of do.

Like what you see? Share me with your friends!

3 thoughts on “Toddler Room Update: Stage 1 (aka Working with What You’ve Got)”

  1. Using what I have and a few stolen moments is really the way I decorate. I often rearrange furniture on a whim, too. It is the little things that freshen a space. And yes, I too, find my self staring at the little changes.

    Great job and an even better use of time!

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