In Between Weather & Spring Cleaning

{Pssst, I’m back from my cruise, but I wrote this post before I left to give me some breathing room before I need to write up a post about our vacation!}

I love it when the weather warms up, but this in-between kind of weather is kind of confusing. My calendar says SPRING, but my cold legs say PUT YOUR DAMN FLEECE-LINED TIGHTS BACK ON!

I usually do a full closet switch-over once the weather fully warms up, but for now I just do a mini-switch to let my closet breathe a little.


Want to join me? It’s easy…

Step 1: Get rid of the wool and corduroy
Everyone has that pile of clothing that they only wear during the coldest of the cold months… the SUPER heavy wool sweaters, the corduroy pants, the long sleeved dresses that make you sweat 11 out of the 12 months of the year. Grab them out of your closet and throw them on your bed.

Now, take that pile o’ clothes and decide what to do with them:

Choice 1: If it has been worn to death, get rid of it and add the item to a list to keep an eye out for a replacement before next year.

Choice 2: If it needs to be fixed or altered, do it NOW so that it’s ready for when you need it again. This is also a great time to get that sweater shaver out and do a little touch up. (If you’ve never used a sweater shaver before, read this post and get ready for your world to change!)

Choice 3: If you never wore it, think about whether it’s time to let it go to a better home – a consignment shop, Facebook sale site, or thrift store. (Want some tips on how to sell your clothes on Facebook, check out this post!)

Choice 4: If you wore it and still love it, launder it (if needed) and pack it away.

I actually have an empty decorative trunk at the end of my bed that works great for storing all those in-between clothes until I pull out the big storage boxes with my summer stuff.

Step 2: Switch out the shoes
Big, heavy boots just feel like too much when it’s April, so get them out of your closet. You will open up some space so you can see other shoes that you’ve been neglecting.

For me, it’s bootie season. I can’t wear them in the dead of winter and I’m not going for them when it’s hot in the summer… so the time is now for booties, booties, booties rocking everywhere!

Step 3: Stand back and admire your pretty closet
Boom, you’re done! It took me about 15 minutes total and everything currently in my closet is seasonally appropriate so I can just grab and go in the morning. Even better, if you know what is in your closet you are more likely to actually WEAR those in-between weather pieces before it gets too hot for them. So yeah, it’s a win-win for you AND your closet.

Do you do an in-between weather closet clean out?

Like what you see? Share me with your friends!

8 thoughts on “In Between Weather & Spring Cleaning”

  1. These are all great ideas. I started doing this on the first day of spring. I think I would love to put away all of the heavy boots and coats but weather here in Colorado is so unpredictable.

  2. So I did my own spring cleaning of my closet but in Rhode Island where we have four seasons and winter decided to last a few more weeks. I had to whip out all of my chunky sweaters because it’s too cold!


  3. I love that this post focused on the closet specifically when Spring cleaning, some cleaning posts are so vague and cover the whole house which can be so overwhelming. This is such a great place to start!

  4. LOL I certainly am admiring your closet right about now, great job you. Getting rid of my clothes is the hardest thing to do, even if I have not worn something in a long time. I have to follow some of these pointers and get to it soon
    xx, Kusum |

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