In an effort to actually accomplish something this year – instead of looking back and realizing that I’ve broken all of my resolutions by January 3rd – I decided to give myself a list of goals. To hold myself accountable, I posted my goal list on the blog in January. I also hung a copy on my office wall so that I’d be reminded of them every time I sit at my desk.
When I wrote my goal list I felt really energized and excited. I felt like for the first time in FOREVER, I might be able to actually accomplish them.
So to keep me on track, I figured I’d do a ¼ year check in!
Goal #1: Use my camera more and my iPhone less.
I made this goal because even though I have a super snazzy camera, I tend to just grab my iPhone to take most of our candid family pictures. I’ve improved on this a little bit over the last few months and had made an effort to throw my camera in my bag when we go out to fun places like the aquarium and birthday parties. However, my day-to-day shooting is still mostly done with my phone. For the rest of the year, I’ll need to work harder! Score: 2 out of 5
Goal #2: Make a workout habit.
I really wanted to figure out a workout program that works well with my schedule so that I could start (and stick with) a new healthy habit. I’m really happy to say that I’ve been doing really well so far! My DietBet kicked my butt into gear and I figured out that I can stick with a workout program if I jump on my elliptical right when I wake up (while everyone else in the house is sleeping). I’ve lost 15 pounds since the start of the DietBet on January 28th and I’m continuing to work hard to get down to my goal weight! Score: 4.5 out of 5
Goal #3: Eat out less and home more.
The DietBet really helped me with this goal too, because it’s much easier to keep your calories in check when you make your food at home. Since the beginning of the year, I have been packing my lunch about 90% of the time, which is a HUGE improvement over 2013! I realized the other day that I actually have not eaten at McDonalds since January, which is pretty much unheard of since I love my Quarter Pounder value meals. Although I have been making more dinners at home, I still need to experiment with new recipes and try to do some group cooking with my friend. So, for this goal I’d say I’ve been doing better but there is certainly room for improvement. Score: 3 out of 5
Goal #4: Take Jack somewhere new each month.
This has actually been one of the most difficult goals for me so far. With all the cold and snow, it has been tempting to just stay inside until the weather gets nice again. However, for the past three months we have had the chance to take Jack someplace new.
In January, we met my friend and her daughter to ride the choo-choo train through the mall. And yes, we waved to all the mall-goers like we were sassy Miss America contestants. Jack is looking quite serious in this picture, but I swear he LOVED it!
In February, we attended that same friend’s daughter’s birthday party at a place called Rolly Pollies and we had SO MUCH fun bouncing around on the trampolines and bouncy houses! And yes, not only was I the only ‘grown up’ in the bouncy house… I took a bouncy selfie.
In March, we took a family trip to the aquarium and Jack had a blast pointing out all the fish, dolphins and turtles.
On our list of fun places still to visit is the Baltimore zoo, the Smithsonian museums in DC, a pool for swimming lessons, and a local petting zoo! Score: 5 out of 5… now I have to keep it up!
Goal #5: Be more like the ant.
Saving money is really hard, but I’ve made a few adjustments to our bills that have really helped things along. We’ve increased our monthly vehicle payment and hope to have our truck fully paid off within the next few months. Once that account is closed, our goal is to put that monthly payment amount into our savings account. I did have a small success of filling out all the paperwork to open Jack’s college savings plan. It seems crazy to open a college account for a two year old, but if you can believe it the payments are still quite hefty even starting this early. Hopefully when I check back in, our truck will be paid off and our savings account will be starting to grow! Score: 3 out of 5
Goal #6: Be the best blogger I can be.
I have had an incredibly lucky few months with my blogging. BlogHer has featured three of my posts and even syndicated one (meaning I get paid). I was nominated for a 2014 Bloggies Award for “Best Writing of a Weblog” and also had my three year blogging anniversary. I think part of the reason I’ve been successful is that I’ve let go of the competition and jealousy. I obviously still have bad days where I’m incredibly jealous of everyone doing better than me, but I’m keeping it in check. I just keep writing what is in my heart and am lucky to have the BEST readers anyone can ask for. Can you believe that in three years of blogging I’ve only had one terrible, hateful comment?! That is pretty darn wonderful. Score 4 out of 5
As you can see, I still have quite a lot of room for improvement, but I think this is the first time I’ve done so well on any time of personal goal or yearly resolution.
Did you make any resolutions or goals for 2014? How are you doing so far?
I really like the idea of doing a quarterly check-in with yourself. You’re doing great 🙂
Thanks Jessy!
Such a smart idea to do a check-in with yourself to see how your goals are going – makes my little therapist heart happy 🙂
And yay for great progress!!! Even the things you see as still needing improvement have had progress!! Super proud of and for you!!!
Some of my goals have had progress and some are in limbo. I have 2 herniated discs and a fractured vertebrae that have been seriously hindering my workout goals. It has gotten a lot better (started at the end of January) so I’m hoping to get a regular routine going soon. I did get back to pre-pregnancy weight/size as of February, which I’m very happy about! For my other goals, April is the month that will be determining a lot for me. I’ll let you know how it goes 🙂
Jackie – Thank you! And CONGRATS on achieving your pre-pregnancy weight/size goal! That’s a HUGE one and really makes you feel so great about yourself! Good luck on your other goals and keep me posted! =)
Sounds like you’re doing great, Joules!
Thanks so much Holly!