Favorite Books for a 7-Year-Old

I mentioned that I picked up a bunch of books for Jack at the thrift store recently, which made me think that it would be fun to share some of his current favorite books. He is in the ‘early reader’ stage where he is getting better and better at reading on his own each week, so by picking books he can read himself with little help it helps raise his confidence.

For the past 7 years, I’ve been reading him a book before bed each night. But for the past month or so, he ALSO reads me a book before bed. It’s enough to make my little bookworm heart grow three sizes!

Here are our current favs:

For Jack to Read To Me

Source: Amazon.com

At this point we probably own over a dozen Pete the Cat books (easily), but Jack LOVES them… so if I ever see one we don’t have I tend to snap it up. They range in skill level though, so some of them are ‘mommy read’ books and some are ‘Jack read’ books. All these are books that Jack can read to me with little to no help:

For Me to Read to Jack

Source: Amazon.com

What Should Danny Do (The Power to Choose) https://amzn.to/2J2ZOOG

My friend Lindsey sent this book over to Jack and he LOVES it and has made me read it to him probably 20 times so far. It is a choose your own adventure book with a twist… Danny can either choose good choices (such as share with his brother) or bad choices (such as destroy his brother’s game) and then you get to see the consequences. When pulling up this book, I saw that there is a second book in the series, What Should Danny Do? School Day, so I immediately ordered it.

Dog Man https://amzn.to/2IOZkMY

Dog Man Lord of the Fleas https://amzn.to/2IYDAxk

If you have a first grader, you MUST check out the Dog Man books. Jack is obsessed with them! They are in comic book format, so most of the scenes are easy to understand even without knowing the big words. We currently own 5 out of 6 Dog Man books and each night will read 2 – 3 chapters. Jack loves them so much that he begs for additional chapters every single night!

Now it’s your turn to share, do you have kid book recommendations?

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6 thoughts on “Favorite Books for a 7-Year-Old”

  1. My daughter (7, turning 8 this summer) also loves the Dog Man series! And they are reading through the Mercy Watson series in class this year…she really enjoys those! She likes graphic novels, too, and has read most of the Phoebe & Her Unicorn series. Narwhal Unicorn of the Sea is another favorite series (of course…anything “horned” lately LOL) and the newest one is coming in her Scholastic order through school…she is on pins and needles waiting! I think 3rd grade is when my son started reading the Magic Treehouse series…those are a lot of fun, too, but are a little long for my daughter yet. I’ve been buying each illustrated Harry Potter as they are released, and neither kid has really shown an interest in those yet. 🙁

  2. We just read all of the Flat Stanley books. You can request them at the library. They were a big hit. I think they are scholastic level J.

    He also really likes some Pokémon books I got at the tot swap. I think they are level 2.

    1. Fantastic, thanks for the recommendations! I think Jack may love some Pokemon books and they are currently discussing Flat Stanley at school!

  3. Both my girls went through a “Rainbow Magic” phase. The books are super repetitive and there are over 100, and they loved them. Now they use them like taking cards. My 8 year old has discovered “Goddess Girls,” an age approachable intro to myths. And both the 8 & 5 are a real devouring “The girls book how to be there best at everything” and asked to borrow they boys version from the library, too.

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