Hello, hello, hello my fabulous Pocketful readers – I’ve missed you all so much! And yes, I know that sounds a bit lame. But I was home for 6 days straight and at no point did I lay out on a beach or even get any home improvement projects completed, so you know I wasn’t having too much fun.
Actually, I did have a BIT of fun since my husband was home with me and Jack on both Monday and Tuesday. Which means there was lots of comfort food making/eating, TV watching, fire building and all around family snuggling time. So that was pretty awesome.
With Jack battling bronchiolitis, Hurricane Sandy on the rampage and oh yeah me being super sick too, it was a very quiet few days. Our internet was also having massive issues, so I could only get online occasionally which was kind of annoying.
So, now that it’s Tuesday evening and I’ll be able to upload everything tomorrow morning, I’m finally taking a minute to sit down and catch up with my online life!
I DID have a chance to do a couple mini projects during my time at home. One of which made me think of my friend Katie from Words for Worms. I showed you all my den when I first changed things around, but here’s a little refresher on what it looked like before we moved in:

And what it looked like once I got my grimy hands on the place:

Well, I was never really IN LOVE with the stuff I threw up on my mantle. I liked it all individually, but it wasn’t really doing it for me perched up there. The mirror was kind of oddly sized and everything just felt a bit bare and sad.
Our main plan is to build some bookshelves in that odd little corner in the room, but that project is way down the list at this point. Also, I’m thinking that corner will be a perfect place for a Christmas tree – so I want to try that out before I made the big decision to start building shelves.
All of my lovely books were still living in boxes in one of our closets, which is just so incredibly sad, don’t you think? So I had the bright idea to bring some of them out and see how they looked displayed on the mantle… and I LOVE the finished look!

Oh and for your sharp-eyed people out there I’d like to point out that NOT EVEN ONE of these books is a piece of highbrow fancy-schmanchy literature. They are my tried and true favorites that I actually like to curl up and read. So, no trying to impress anyone here! Unless you’re impressed with the Harry Potter series, Artemis Fowl, all the Stephanie Plum books and a crapload of chick lit. Actually, if you ARE impressed by that you are totally invited to be my friend because I think we’ll get along great!
Awwww Joules! You’re the cutest! I LOVE your bookends! I’m of the opinion that any and all reading should be applauded. Harry Potter is complete amazingness. Any pretentious bookworm who would tell you otherwise is clearly lacking a heart, soul, and a wand. (Blame the dementors!)
Thanks, grabbed them on clearance at Target a few weeks ago!
And btw, I am a smarty-pants and totally CAN read actual Literature with a capital “L”… I just choose not to. And any bookworm that would like to come over my website and tell me that I’m lets say, ignorant, can feel free to do so. And I can feel free to rip them a new one. Just saying. 😉
Oh Joules. The amount I love you right now is a little bit ridiculous.
Aaaaah Janet Evanovich!!! Best EVER!!
I love it! So stinkin’ cute! I would much rather showcase books I read and liked than books that are snobby and boring. Way to go!