I first tried out the online glasses retailer, Firmoo, in January when I ordered a pair of cat eye frames for myself (you can find the post here). At the time, I was super impressed with the quality for such an insanely reasonable price and decided that next time Travis needed glasses we’d definitely order an inexpensive pair for him.
I mean, his last pair of glasses were almost $400 and he’s not exactly gentle with them…
As luck would have it, Firmoo reached out to me a month or so ago and asked if I’d like to review another pair. Travis and I looked at all the frames available and thought that these were the closest to his most recent pair (that I love on him):
I entered in his prescription information from his last glasses order and within a week or so his new glasses arrived. The total cost of the order would have been $25.95 if we had paid for the order. That is about $375 cheaper than his other glasses for an almost identical look!
Now for the fun part, I told Travis that he had to “model” the glasses for my review…
Here is the ‘serious male model’ pose, also known as The Superman:
And here is the Angry Cat:
Then – of course – Jack wanted to join in on the fun!
Here’s the ‘serious like a Gap ad’ look:
And then I got two of my favorite daddy and kiddo pictures:
Hmm… maybe I should ask Travis to model for my blog more often!
Have you ever ordered glasses online? What is your favorite pose? I’m kind of partial to the angry cat…
Disclaimer: Firmoo provided a free pair of glasses for review purposes; however all thoughts and opinions are my own. There are Firmoo referral links in this post and if you use my link I will receive a very small reward (even though the price will totally stay the same for you).
I love these pictures! Travis is funny and Jack is so dang adorable. I kinda really hope he always has those cheeks 😀