Happy Thanksgiving: Let’s Shut it Down

Okay bloggy friends, this is the last time I’m going to post this week. That’s right, after today I’m stepping away from the blog and unplugging for my 4-day weekend.

Want to join me?

Turn off your computer, leave your phone in your purse (or pocket), don’t bother checking Facebook (okay, fine you can check it once a day), ignore unimportant emails, don’t tweet… just SHUT IT DOWN.

Instead, read a book, watch a TV show without scrolling through IMDB on your phone, talk to your family, give your significant other a backrub, hold your kid’s hand. Eat. Like eat A LOT of awesome Thanksgiving food that only seems to come around once a year.

And enjoy.

See you next week.

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2 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving: Let’s Shut it Down”

  1. Happy Thanksgiving! We are shutting it down at my house to this year–and I can’t wait!!! I’m even *gasp* hiding the iPads and Xbox. Can you imagine the horror?! 🙂 I’m so excited to cook with my littles and just enjoy the family time.
    I’m truly thankful for your blog. I love reading your thoughts and style tips. It’s so nice to read stuff from a real girl like me. I love your style tips because we own some of the same stuff–thanks StitchFix!! XOXO

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