I’m kind of an organizing dork. I mean, picking out a day planner at the end of the year is PRETTY DARN EXCITING if you know what I mean.
Each December I go to Target or Staples and fondle through all the planners. It is not a quick process. I pick up one, look through it. Get all squinty and go “hmmmm” for a while. Put it back. Pick up another one and go through the same process for at least 20 minutes.
Usually I end up buying at least two planners – one for home and one for work, as well as maybe a backup because it was just too darn pretty to leave there. Then, throughout the year I juggle my multiple planners, a wall calendar (or three), my iphone calendar app, my gmail calendar app for work AND a shared google calendar for the family.
It’s a lot of stuff.
Earlier this fall I realized that my current planner situation is not working for me. Juggling multiple calendars was getting super annoying and I wanted just ONE planner to keep everything straight. I did a ton of research, asked my Facebook friends for suggestions, and finally ended up on the Erin Condren website.
{cue angels singing}
OHMYGOD, it’s like Type A girl heaven all up in there!
The “Life Planner” is exactly what I didn’t realize I needed. You can pick between a vertical or horizontal weekly layout and it gives you three boxes for each day so that you can keep all areas of your life organized.
For me, I decided to use the three spaces for: home, work and blog. I was going to go ahead and spoil myself with a 2016 life planner, but then I realized that for just a little more they would start my planner with the current month. So, bring on the immediate gratification!
After perusing the cover options for WAY too long, here is what I ended up picking:
And here is a glimpse at my weekly layout:
I use the top block for Home stuff and keep track of workouts, appointments and Jack stuff. Then, on the middle block I keep my work schedule straight with meetings, coffee chats, evening information sessions and more. The bottom block is for everything Pocketful of Joules – the posts that are going up each week, an idea for a Flashback Friday post and if I need to pick a prize winner on a certain date, email a contact, etc.
Here is the exact version that I bought and love: Party Pops. I also really like the Mod Morocco design and the Believe you Can planner.
Now that I’ve been using this planner for a few months, I’m hooked. It isn’t cheap at $50, but the fact that all my planning needs are met with ONE book is pretty darn great. At first I was kind of afraid to write in it, because it was so beautiful. But now I scribble away and can actually keep my life (mostly) straight!
If you decide to order your own Life Planner, use this special link to save $10 on your first purchase!
Are you known to spend way too much time in the office supplies section fondling day planners? What would your PERFECT planner include?
Disclosure: This post was NOT sponsored by Erin Condren and I paid for my Life Planner with my own money. If you decide to use my special promo code, I will receive a small referral bonus towards future purchases.
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