Silk Pillowcase Review: Am I Doing it Wrong?

For months, I felt like articles and blog posts about silk pillowcases were stalking me. Looking for a way to have less hair breakage? Silk pillowcases. Want to reduce wrinkles? Silk pillowcases. Want your hair to look less limp and more of that sexy-wave-just-got-out-of-bed look? Silk pillowcases.

I mean, apparently silk pillowcases are the answer to all of our problems!

So, I went ahead and ordered myself a silk pillowcase off Amazon. Specifically, this one: Ravmix 100% Silk Pillowcase for $23.99.


Why did I choose that one?

  • It has a zipper. I like that it won’t slip off and I don’t like it when the end of my pillow comes poking out.
  • Heck yeah, I would like ‘quality sleep AND a wonderful life’, as stated on their image…
  • Out of 3,976 ratings, it has 4.5/5 stars for reviews.
  • It is 100% silk.
  • It was $23.99.

I got it in the mail and stuck that bad boy right on my pillow. When it was time to wash it, I threw it in with some other cold-water laundry and let it hang dry.

And… it’s fine.

I like the way it feels and I think it may cause less ‘sleep wrinkles’ on my face. However, I can’t tell if it’s helping with any hair breakage and it certainly doesn’t style my hair any different than my normal pillowcase.

Maybe I expected more? Or, am I just not doing it right? Is there some sort of secret to how to use the silk pillowcase?

Do you use a silk pillowcase? If so, is there something awesome about it that I’m overlooking?

Disclaimer: This post contains an Amazon affiliate link. This means that clicking on a link may help me earn a small commission at no cost to you.

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One thought on “Silk Pillowcase Review: Am I Doing it Wrong?”

  1. What I would do, is buy 3 different brands. Maybe get advice, from someone who may know what is good. A hairdresser may know what to look for. Try each one for a week, that should help give you an idea of what you need. Good luck!

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