I had mentioned a while ago that I was super excited to do the Baltimore Color Run 5k. I wanted to do the one they held in DC last year, but it was so incredibly popular that it sold out before I could make up my mind to commit. As soon as the Baltimore run registration opened, I jumped on it like a rabid monkey and signed up.
Fast forward a few months and add in a few germs…
Yeah, that’s right. After months of healthiness in my house, everyone got sick. First Travis fell with the full-on “man sick” version of a cold (sorry honey, but you know it’s true and I love you anyway). Then, I came down with a sneezy nose and scratchy throat. As the cherry on top of our sicky party, Jack got the boogery nose that I had been dreading.
Why had I been dreading it? Well, EVERY SINGLE TIME Jack has come down with a cold he’s ended up with croup. Or bronchiolitis. Or RSV. Or all three. So I was sleeping with one eye open waiting for that tell-tale cough to send us all back to the ER again.
Imagine my surprise (and happy dance) when he got through this sickness with JUST a cold. YAY! NO CROUP! NO ER!
We weren’t really sure what to expect when he woke up on Saturday morning though, so I made an executive decision and decided that we would not do our 9:00 am race.
{sad trombone}
BUT, he woke up and was feeling much better so we decided to go and crash the 2:00 race time!
{Happy trombone! Wait, is there such thing as a happy trombone?}
My brother (Jason) and one sister (Kelsey)* both ran the 9:00 race and stuck around for us to join them at 2:00. So pretty much the majority of the pictures in this post are from Kelsey’s phone. Mine was safe inside a plastic baggy, which means all my pictures were blurry…
When we got there, it was a lot hotter than I had thought it would be which is why Jack is practicing his redneck look of wearing JUST a pair of rolled up sweatpants. We didn’t end up running the run, since we were feeling like poo from our colds (and um…lazy) but we had a great time walking it!

OH and in case you are concerned that I took my sick child through those clouds of colorful powder. I’m not an idiot. I threw the rain cover down over the stroller when we went through each color station and we totally avoided the after-party.
Have you done a Color Run? Does it look really awesome to you or like your own version of hell?
* FYI, I have another sister too (Kelsey and Katie are twins) that wasn’t able to come because she was doing an ACTUAL competitive run for her college that day.