I often share my Trunk Club boxes with you and have found some of my favorite clothing items from the service over the years. However, sometimes… well, they suck.
Like this time.
My stylist reached out to see if I had any Spring Break plans. And I DO! We are planning to go to Universal Studios in Florida at the end of April.
She asked me, “What do you typically wear during your vacations?” and “what are you looking to wear at Universal?”
On the right track!
So I sent her 4 photos of my typical summertime outfits:

I said, “Normally I wear shorts and graphic tees, a tee with a knee-length casual skirt and sundresses. Here are my typical looks. Nothing too short! Also, please go up a size in shorts because I like a little thigh room!”
All seems well, right?
I received a preview of my Trunk and there were a couple items that I immediately declined. On one pair of shorts I marked “Too short for me!” and declined them. On a pair of jeans I noted, “I don’t need any more jeans” and declined them.
All still seems well, right?
After I sent back the preview, my stylist added more items to the Trunk and sent it out to me.

First off, she sent jeans. When I specifically said I don’t want any jeans. Sigh. I literally didn’t even take these out of the packaging and threw them back in the Trunk.

THEN, the shorts. Both pairs of shorts were way too short for me, which I had told her. More power to you ladies who like to wear shortie shorts. But I couldn’t even pull them off (or be comfortable in them) 10 years ago! The Madewell version were full-on bootie shorts and the Sanctuary shorts were short AND super tight.

FINALLY, the skirts. A suede mini skirt and a ball gown skirt.
What in the actual flip?! This is the point where I was starting to get a little annoyed. Please correct me in the comments if I’m wrong, but would ANYONE wear a suede mini skirt to a theme park on a family trip??? OR A BALL GOWN SKIRT? A $130 BALL GOWN SKIRT from Boden.
It’s going to be April in Florida, which is typically in the mid-80’s. Also, there are water rides, so a suede skirt and a ball gown skirt are frankly ridiculous to wear.

Lastly, a dress. Dresses are good! I like dresses! When I think theme park, I think an easy sundress that I can throw on with some sandals (and shorts underneath for rides). BUT. This one was a $120 Boden stiff cotton button-up shirtdress. Not appropriate for a theme park vacation at all! I would be wrinkled mess within 1 ride, not to mention it’s white… and there are water rides. SIGH.
The only other items in the box were a hohumm t-shirt, a see-through eyelet blouse, and a white silky tank top.
To say this Trunk missed its mark would be an understatement. I immediately packed everything back up in the box and declined the entire Trunk. At this point, I’m not even sure it’s worth having the stylist send me another one. I mean, it’s pretty clear that her theme park experiences are much more exciting(?) than mine!
So there you go… a sucky Trunk Club box. If I end up getting another one I’ll keep you posted!
Man.what a loser trunk! It almost looks like amistake was made, andsomeone sent out a trunk that came back, instead of the correct trunk. How could they go that bad? Suede? That’s nuts! Why were there no cute tanks, or tops like you have on in your pictures?
I am using a company that does this styling, and lately, they haven’t been as good as usual. Strange fabrics,batwing sleeves, everything huge. I know they try, but when I want a t shirt, and they give me dolman sleeves, I mean, it doesn’t make sense.