Fast Forward

I mentioned earlier this week that I was going to take Jack for his very first professional haircut in preparation for his birthday. I had done little trims here and there over the past year – first when all his baby hair fell out, then again when he grew a pretty sweet mullet. Even though they turned out well, I didn’t really trust myself to fully cut his hair. So we decided to take him to a kid salon that specializes in squirmy babies.

Before our appointment, when my mom or friends would ask if I was going to keep some of Jack’s hair for his baby book, I kind of snorted a little. I mean, I have plenty of pictures of him but haven’t ACTUALLY done a baby book yet. I know, bad mommy. I do have a baby box, full of things that would eventually go in a baby book. So I guess that counts for something.

Anyways, we went to the salon on Wednesday and patiently waited our turn. We decided that Travis would hold Jack on his lap, so that I could snap a few pictures. I’m proud to say that Jack didn’t freak out at all and was pretty calm through the whole thing. There were a couple times where he didn’t get the meaning of “look down” but um… he’s just turning ONE. I’m pretty sure that’s not an order that typical one year olds follow, right?

So the lady started chopping away at his hair – first with the clippers and then with her scissors. At that point, some crazy animal instinct took over and I darted forward and grabbed a handful of baby hair off his shoulder.

At that moment, when he was morphing from my preemie baby to an almost grown boy I freaked out a little. I mean, I swear I might see some beard hair sprouting away if I looked close enough.

haircut 1

haircut 2

haircut 3

haircut 4

haircut 5

What’s done is done though and somehow it creeped up on me that my little baby has turned into a toddler. It’s only a matter of time before he releases his tight grip on the ottoman, the bookcase or the chair and takes his first steps.

He seems ready. I’m not.

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