Fun Fall Swap – My Gift is HERE!

So yesterday was pretty much an all-around fantastic day!

Proof of its fantastic-ness:

  • I had a dentist appointment where the hygienist not only told me that I have NO cavities, but she also complimented me on losing the baby weight and looking great. Um, thank you!
  • I had awesome shopping karma and got a ton of errands done in one evening: 2 thrift stores, Homegoods, Marshalls, Joann Etc and the Columbia Mall. Two of my most impressive scores: a nearly new (possibly fully-new) queen-sized quilt and shams set for $14.90 and a gorgeous tufted fabric ottoman on clearance for $50 because it’s missing a foot.
  • I came home from my shopping extravaganza to find TWO packages of fun for me, me, ALL ME! My Fun Fall Swap gift and the October Citrus Lane box (which will be covered in a separate post, hopefully on Sunday).

Check this out; wouldn’t YOU be excited to receive a box marked FRAGILE?

I carefully opened the box. Oh, who am I kidding? I ripped that thing open like a PMSing Joules who just spotted some unattended Halloween candy.  Here’s what I found:

Do you see that owl? I LOVE him – he is so adorable and I’m currently thinking of what to name him and where he should live in my house. He is the epitome of Fall Fierceness! But that’s not all… inside the owl (ew, that sounds gross but it totally wasn’t because he’s made of felt) was this:

That’s right; it’s a jar of soup starter for Homemade Cream of Pumpkin soup! I’ve never had Cream of Pumpkin soup, but I’m in love with all things Fall… which includes a yummy bowl of soup enjoyed with a hunk of bread, so I’m excited to try this! And if I love it (which I think I probably will), there is enough for a few batches so I can enjoy it for the whole season.

All Fun Fall Swap bloggers are supposed to guess who gave us our gifts, but since I was the person who randomly assigned swappers I already know my secret gifter. If you want to play, you can try and guess who from this list!

As soon as everyone receives their gifts and posts about them, I will be writing a reveal post of who had who and links to everyone’s blogs so you can check them out for your own gifting inspiration!

How about you – how are you decorating for Fall? Have you had Cream of Pumpkin Soup and is it the most delicious thing ever?

Like what you see? Share me with your friends!

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