{Insert Starting Gun Sound Here}

The Pocketful of Quirky Grace DietBet is starting today!

Let’s just say that this past weekend included a lot of wine. And food. And more wine. And shots. However, I totally expected that… which is why I scheduled the DietBet to start TODAY.

So, first thing on Monday morning I did my weigh-in and took my starting photo:

DietBet Weigh in

Sassy, right?!

Okay… not as sassy as something like THIS:

photo 2

Or maybe THIS picture of what I look like in a bar at 1:30am after drinking for 14 hours and dancing all night.

photo 1

Any which way, I’m actually SO READY to start exercising and eating right again. I mean, I am until like 3 days from now when I start whining that I want cake.

My “official” goal for this DietBet is right around 7 pounds… but my goal for myself is to lose ten. After the weekend I’m kind of extra inflated, but that should go back to normal within a day or so. I’ll be left with the task of dropping 2 pounds each week, which is what I did with the first DietBet. It’s totally do-able, just not easy!

Orphan black pantsI’m thinking I might bribe myself with these pants. I’m currently OBSESSED with Orphan Black (and Tatiana Maslany, of course) and these pants look JUST LIKE the ones worn by Sarah. So obviously I will also be a beautiful, badass chick if I can get them on my butt. Obviously.

As of this morning, there are 30 people signed up for our Bet, so lots of luck to everyone!

Are you playing along with our DietBet? If so, why did you decide to participate?

Like what you see? Share me with your friends!

9 thoughts on “{Insert Starting Gun Sound Here}”

  1. Wahoo! I’m in too! It appears that all the dancing still didn’t make up for all the food and drink we had this weekend. I should lose about 10 pounds on this bet, can’t wait!

    1. That sassy green one? It looks FAB on you! My on-demand is showing that the episode is available… so you should be able to see it!!

  2. I weighed in first thing and forgot to take the picture.
    Weighed in the afternoon?
    I gained two pounds.

  3. Oh my goodness! I am also watching “Orphan Black”. I am such a British (or, in this case Canadian) television slut. (Can I say slut? Sorry.) Anyway, I’m doing this with you, girl!

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