I’m thinking it’s time for me to do another DietBet.
After a week at the beach and a few weeks (ahem… months) of eating pretty much whatever I want, I feel a bit… um, fluffy. I was thinking that this back-to-school season would be a good nudge to get back into eating healthy and working out.
If you’re a newer reader and you’re not quite sure what this DietBet brewhaha is all about, here’s the short & sweet version:
A DietBet is an online game where you bet money that you will lose a certain amount of weight within a certain amount of time. I am a fan of the DietBet 4, which means you try to lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks.
If you’d like the longer version, please check out my first DietBet post with the follow ups here. I also tried running a DietBet with a couple blogger friends, but it didn’t go so well and I ended up losing. BOO! HISS!
I finally feel like I’m back in the right frame of mind where I’m ready to PUMP IT UP though. I’m just trying to decide whether to join a Bet that will be starting soon or whether I should try running another one myself for you all to join. I’m also considering adding on one of those 30 day Ab Challenges on top of the DietBet so that I have a daily task to complete.
What do you think, are you interested in doing a DietBet with me?
8/19/14 Update: Okay guys, let’s DO IT! Teri from Snarkfest has already set up a DietBet that starts on Monday… so let’s all go and jump over there to join her. I just signed up this morning! Here’s the link if you want to join us: Teri’s DietBet.
Jules I’m starting one next Monday!! I’ll put the link on your FB page! $25 buy in, 4 weeks!
Thanks Teri – That’s perfect timing and I just joined! I’ll just have to hold off on the cake until AFTER my birthday! =)
Get it together and I’m in! I’m finishing up a 6-month Transformer one and debating whether to start another. The short month long ones are good to keep me motivated.
Here’s the one I just joined: https://www.dietbetter.com/games/48554
I am in, just let me know!
Let’s DO IT!! https://www.dietbetter.com/games/48554
Because of your little nudge, I joined you the first time and am currently participating in a four week Diet Bet. I’ve lost 30 pounds since April. (Still, many more to go, but sssshhhhh.) If you start another Diet Bet in September, I will be there!
Christine – that’s FANTASTIC! I’m so proud of you! THIRTY pounds is some real hard work there!!
It is, but it really hasn’t been that difficult. My current Diet Bet ends the 26th/27th of August. I am too lazy and cheap to front the entrance fee, so I want to wait until my current one expires. I have met my goal and am waiting to weight out and earn my credit. Once my credit appears, I will join your game. 😀
I’m official! I won the last Diet Bet and have received my winnings. Here’s to continued weight loss for all!
Just got a gym membership, need to hold myself more accountable to the food fairy. I’m interested!
YAY KATIE! So excited that you’ll be joining me on this one! Sign up here: https://www.dietbetter.com/games/48554
I’m in! I guess I’d have to make a blog or something to track my progress…but I really need to lose some baby weight seeing as the loinfruit is three now.
I just signed up (here’s where: https://www.dietbetter.com/games/48554) and it looks like DietBet added a ‘blog’ feature. Maybe it would be a neat way to try it out without committing for too long?