On my drive into work this morning I was thinking how it would be so nice to actually have some time alone with my husband.
Now, don’t get me wrong – I LOVE Jack even more than cookie butter on a spoon and a fresh roasted s’more all rolled into one – but we’ve had TWO date nights in the past 15 months. Momma needs some “not being a momma but a wife” time.
Then it hit me.
Pretty much the most awesome marketing idea that I can’t believe someone isn’t already doing. So if you run a hotel, listen up because I’m about to BLOW YOUR MIND.
You need to offer a “Parents Date Night” package which includes:
- A beautiful hotel room with a king bed. Not for a whole night though – maybe just four hours (7pm – 11pm would be perfect) because it’s hard to find an overnight babysitter.
- A fantastic dinner delivered right to the room at a set time. I’m thinking some kind of surf and turf deliciousness with a bottle of chilled wine. Of course there should be some kind of decadent dessert like chocolate covered strawberries. Oh and don’t just shove a room service cart full of food into the room… there needs to be a table set up with a tablecloth and candles.
- A brochure listing all of the latest movies offered on pay-per-view that parents never get to see. Maybe they can finally see a movie without waiting in line and paying $50 to sit next to some asshat teenager that texts the whole time. Or watch something at a normal volume instead of having their TV on the lowest setting possible so that the fight scenes don’t wake up the kid.

Imagine it… all you have to do is book the Parent’s Date Night package for Friday night and plan for a babysitter. Grab your spouse, check into the hotel and have a clean and comfy room waiting for you. You get to laze around in a plush hotel robe, have an amazing meal, watch a movie and have some (wink, wink) “grown up” time.
It would truly be like a little 4 hour vacation without really going anywhere. Bonus points if the hotel has a pool.
If this were offered in my area, I’d take advantage of it in a heartbeat. So, if there are any Maryland or DC hotels out there that want to make this idea a reality… please hook a mother up!
How about you, would you want a Parent’s Date Night at a local hotel? What would your ideal package include?
How is this not already a thing?! Sounds brilliant. All the mamas I know would jump at such a package!
Right?! I mean, I AM a marketing genius, but REALLY someone needs to get on this ASAP. 😉
I agree with Katie, how IS this not a thing???
I would TOTALLY be into this!
Ok, you need to start your campaign.
I will pimp you out.
Here we go…..
I just want a hotel to make this happen and then invite me to come and stay…
This is REALLY a great idea.
I wish I lived closer …I would totally watch your little one!
One of my best friends (who grew up in Hawaii) used to be the babysitter for this sort of thing at the Hilton on the Big Island. Magical things happen in Hawaii.
Yet another reason why I should try and make a Hawaii trip work for our 5 year wedding anniversary in October!