So many times I see the sour side of social media.
You know what I mean – the penis enlarging porn spam, the much-more-than-snarky tweets and those troll comments where people just splash their hate around all over the place.
However, most of the time I’ve been pretty darn lucky.
{knock on wood}
I’ve “met” some other bloggers who I’m super excited to meet in person at BlogHer this summer (specifically Katie from Words for Worms, Chrissy at Quirky Chrissy and Kari at A Grace Full Life).* I also have some frequent commenters on both my blog and my Facebook page that I wish I could get together with for a cup of coffee. Or a hard cider.
Yesterday I was feeling exceptionally saucy in my brand new dress and posted a picture of myself on my page. My goal was to just share my happiness about looking kinda nice for the day.
Well, 38 of you took the time to click “like” on my picture and over a dozen comments were left with really sweet compliments.
Not one person used that opportunity to tell me I was ugly, or fat, or anything terrible that I see spewed online almost every single day.
Frankly, you made my day.
YOU made me feel pretty. All day long, I floated around on a cloud of feeling great about myself and it’s partially because of YOU.
See what power you have?
So thank you. Thank you so much for being awesome.
And in the vein of full honesty, at the moment I do not look anywhere as nice as I did yesterday. Within a space of about 90 minutes this morning my son wiped his banana-covered hands on my shirt as I left for work, I spilled my coffee in my lap AND I dipped my hair in cream cheese. So, in other words… we’re back to normal.
I wish you all a wonderful long holiday weekend and would love it if you took a couple minutes out of your Friday to compliment someone else and spread the love!
* If you’re going to BlogHer in Chicago, please let me know because I’d love to meet all my online friends in person while I’m there!
You did look great yesterday and even with the smear of this or that, I would be willing to bet your smile and attitude outshine all of that. I saw this video at church last weekend, and thought you might want to watch.
Thank you Lynette!