A few weeks ago I kept seeing advertisements for something called Stitch Fix. I swear, the ads were stalking me… every page I clicked on: Stitch Fix. Stitch Fix. Stitch Fix.
So fine, I finally gave up and clicked through.
And BOOM, they got me.
Stitch Fix is a personal stylist in a box. A PERSONAL STYLIST in a BOX!
You fill out a fancy schmancy style profile with all your stylish likes and dislikes (and your sizes). You answer lots of questions about your style, as well as preferences on what you’d like them to send – for example, I chose not to receive any accessories because I’m already drowning in statement necklaces. I also did a little extra work and built a board on pinterest so that my stylist would have a better idea of what I might like (click here to check it out).
After reviewing all your info, someone WAY more fashionable than me handpicks 5 items to send you. You try it all on in the comfort of your own home with clothes you already own to decide if you like anything. They even include a card that has styling tips for each item on how you can mix it up with other stuff.
You keep what you like and send the rest back in their supplied prepaid envelope. It’s that easy.
As for cost, there is a $20 styling fee for them to put the box together and send it to you. However, if you purchase anything from your order you use that money towards your bill. Also, if they hit it out of the park and you LOVE everything they sent, you get a 25% discount if you buy everything. So that you’re not totally out of your spending comfort zone, you set your pricing threshold when you fill out your profile.
So, now I need your help… I just got my box last night and I have three days to decide what I’m sending back. Oh and please forgive the crappy pictures — I got home from work at 9:00pm (I left the house for work at 6:30am, so it was a looooong day) and my husband was SO not in the mood to play photographer.
Here’s what I got:

I was actually kind of excited when I unpacked this dress because I liked the feel of the fabric (it is heavy-ish but silky) and the print. However, when I put it on the fabric stretched in a really terrible way across the boobies area and the print just stretched out to WHITE/see-through. It was awful and there is no way I’m posting a picture of it on the internet!

I’m pretty sure I owned a very similar version of this sweater (down to the exact color of green) about 10 years ago from Banana Republic. I think the chunkyness of the sweater makes me look…well, chunky too. Thoughts?

I kind of like this dress — it’s a dark burgundy color and would look nice with a grey suit jacket or black cardigan. I think I need to add some shapewear under it though because my tummy is not looking awesome right now. What do you think, is it salvageable or should I just send it back?

Here is a more casual look — the top is a nice weight black top with a little extra something fun going on in the back (check out the next picture). When I saw the pants (they’re a dark purple in person) I originally thought that there was no way in hell they were getting over my butt. But after some pulling, tugging and all-around cursing. They fit. Well, there’s a little bit of muffin top… but frankly everything seems to be a little muffin toppy lately. Here’s where I really need you to weigh in — is this too “young” for me? Should I give up on the skinny pants look? Here, check out another view:

Oh and this view is a little embarrassing, but is my butt just totally out of control? Like in a you-need-to-never-wear-them-again kind of way? And this picture totally wasn’t taken on purpose, I was in the middle of trying to show off the back of the shirt so I have lots of awkward turning-around shots. Nice, right. It’s almost like I’m a professional. Not.
Help me. Help me!! PLEASE help me! I’m thinking of getting the black shirt. Possibly the purple pants and a slight maybe on the burgundy dress… But, I also might just give up the $20 styling fee and buy nothing from this box. I still want to try another box though, so that I can give my feedback and see how the box choices change.
Feel free to use this snazzy voting tool or just leave your comments below. Thank you in advance for rocking my socks off.
By the way, this was NOT a sponsored post. I went looking for Stitch Fix, they didn’t come after me and buy my love with free clothes. My love actually can’t be bought with free clothes… well… maybe. Nobody has ever actually tried to buy my love with clothes before. I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t work though, unless you were Tim Gunn and you wanted to replace my entire wardrobe with your perfectly chosen items instead. *
Anyways, if you decide to click through on my special link and try them out yourself, I will receive referral rewards. Here’s my link. So thank you for anyone who chooses to click through and support my shopping addiction.
*Do any of you remember the TV show from a few years ago called “Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style”? I LOVED it and wanted him to come to my house SO FREAKING BAD to fix my entire closet/life/style. Tim… call me!
Psssst…Do you love checking out what other people received in their Fixes? I added quick links to every single one of my reviews on my Stitch Fix Reviews page!