Back in January, I decided to give myself three goals for 2017 (you can find the full post here).
Now that it’s the end of the year, it’s time to look back and grade myself on each goal…
Goal #1: A+
I kicked this goal’s butt all up and down the road. I hadn’t had a physical in years (um…or ever?), so I wanted to go to the doctor and make sure everything was okay. Well, in 2017 I had 4 doctor’s appointments, 4 blood draw appointments, 3 nutritionist appointments, 1 ladybits doctor appointment, 2 mammograms, 1 dentist appointment and a partridge in a pear tree.
Let’s just say that I’m GOOD on doctor’s appointments or being poked-and-prodded for the time being. At my physical I found out that I have high cholesterol, so I’ve been on a special diet, medicine and working with a nutritionist since September. I actually just had another blood draw appointment this week, so I’ll find out next week whether my cholesterol is finally back down into the normal zone. Fingers crossed!
Goal #2: A
My second goal was to take 18 more credits for my Master’s program and I totally earned myself an A on this one. I successfully completed Marketing Management (3 credits), Legal and Ethical Issues in Global Communications (3 credits), and Introduction to Accounting & Financial Management (0 credit prerequisite) in the spring. I muscled my way through Financial Decision Making for Managers (3 credits) and Consumer Behavior (3 credits) over the summer. Then, I kicked butt in Statistics for Managerial Decision Making (3 credits) and Brand Management (3 credits) in the fall.
I was really worried about Statistics and started off super poorly by failing the first couple quizzes (tantrum here). but I found a couple great tutors and got though it with a super-low A. So yeah, 18 more credits DONE towards my degree. I have 6 more credits to take in spring 2018 and my last 6 credits will be completed in summer 2018!
Goal #3: C
My last goal for 2017 was to run 100 miles… and I did not meet that goal. At best count, I think I ended up with 49.5 miles this year.
While I didn’t succeed in running as many miles as I had wanted to, I did have a great time with some races this year. I did the SuperRun 5k with my friend LeeAnne where I got to wear a cape, I did the Old Bay 5k with my brother and got the COOLEST goodie bag, I ran the 5k at the Baltimore Running Festival and Jack did his first fun run, and I actually did 6.4 miles for a 10k over the Bay Bridge with my friend Lindsey! All in all, it was a really fun running year and I can’t wait to revisit some of those races again in 2018.
How about you… did you accomplish your goals for this year?